finalshow 演讲稿子

finalshow 演讲稿子

作者: lie_28fa | 来源:发表于2018-06-24 10:38 被阅读0次
finalshow 演讲稿子
finalshow 演讲稿子
finalshow 演讲稿子
finalshow 演讲稿子
finalshow 演讲稿子

HI I'm 展田  I came from 深圳from near东莞 My major is 经济学

My school is zhujiang vocational college

i'm from advanced class 314

Today I want to talk about my turning points.


I guess I was always pretty (shy) in school and I didn't share a lot of things with people, not even with my parents.    I really  need a change.

My first turning point is learning English.  Six months before,some one called me.


A:推销员B 学生

A: hi lie This is ishow . Are you interested in learning English

B:Wait a minute, I still have a report to finish

A:This is the best English school to study English.

B:I  know what you mean,but i don't understand English.

A: It's ok.  we can help you.

B:Oh, so you are one of those people who drives me crazy by calling me up

and trying to persuade me to buy something that I have absolutely no need for.

A:You can come here and have a try.

B: ok (心不在焉的回复)

From that day, I learn to speak English in front of a lot of people, just like now,

It's my pleasure to learn English Because my interest is English. I just like it,

Do you think so?(第一个音乐结束)


Quite a number of things have been done to help me to speak English in front of a lot of people  .

Do you want to know what it is? 

You know me. I’m terrible at speaking in front of a lot of people—like giving speeches and things.

At first, (一开始)I had always been really shy.I was the sort of person who could go to English corner and never talk to anybody,and when you don't talk to anybody,it's hard to make friends. But the teachers are very kind,and taught me that I could talk to anybody just by pretenting to be someone else.Then when I graduate from ishow,I found I was really pretty outgoing.

But until you graduated, you don't understand that life is just begining.

After i finished the advanced class, I realized  i still have a lot to learn.

Another turning point for me was when I got my job, It is very good job, i love to do it.

I know that sounds silly, but it was really important to me

Why was that so important?

Well, I was about 21. I remember that having a job,you know, it was mine , made me feel really responsible in a funny kind of way. It can bring me hope in life.

These are my turning points, I believe every turning point can make you become a better man, I really appreciate it.


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      本文标题:finalshow 演讲稿子
