

作者: 卢义娴 | 来源:发表于2019-10-13 23:05 被阅读0次







    Japan delivers(produce预期的结果交付) tax hike(fee/price hike 大幅度增长) despite(介词,尽管 让步 admit/despite of) growth worries(对税务增长的担忧)

    ① After much delay, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan implemented a consumption tax hike on October 1 from 8% to 10%. The increase covers覆盖 all purchases except for (特例)takeaways and magazines that are published more than twice a week.

    ② Amid 出于 fears that the decision could hit (冲击 重创)spending and invite 招致,引起不好结果 recession (带来经济衰退)—  like it did when the sales tax rate was raised from 3% to 5% in 1997 and then to 8% in 2014 — the approval rating for Abe’s Cabinet fell by 2.4 percentage points to 53%.

    ③ The surplus tax revenue will be used to fund 提供资金 free pre-school education from the age of three and pay down分期付款 Japan’s national debt, which is the highest among developed nations.

    ④ There are no signs yet of (目前没有迹象表明)Japan’s public snapping their purses tight, but economists say the move reduces their purchasing power as wages haven’t gone up during the last two decades. The impact can be better gauged once the consumption figures for November and December are out.

    1.despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ prep. 尽管;即使(= in spite of; amid) 词义辨析:

    although 是连词,后面可以直接加一个完整的句子,但不可以直接加词

    despite 是介词,可以直接加名词,如果要加句子的话,必须加that,即despite that…

    2.tax hike  上调税率 hike /haɪk/ n. (价格等)大幅上升;徒步,远足

    tariff hike 关税增长

    fee hike 费用增长

    price hike 价格增长

    3.deliver /dɪˈlɪvə(r)/ vt. 实现,呈现;交付;传递,递送 deliver a message 传话

    deliver a package 递送包裹

    You should deliver a better performance.


    deliver good results 呈现好结果

    deliver high returns 实现高回报

    delivery /dɪˈlɪvəri/ n. 运送,递送

    express delivery 快递

    food delivery 外卖

    4.delay /dɪˈleɪ/ n. 延误

    5.implement /ˈɪmplɪment, ˈɪmpləment/ vt. 执行,实施 implement the 13th five-year plan 执行十三五规划

    implement the Central Government’s guidelines on education 贯彻中央政府的教育方针

    formulate and implement public policies 制定和实施公共政策

    implement plastic bag ban 实施禁塑令

    implement safety regulations 执行安全规定

    carry out 实施

    carry out a plan 实施一个计划

    carry out an idea 把一个想法付诸实践

    6.except for  除……之外 词义辨析:

    · except for 的前后两部分,不一定是同类,也不一定是整体和部分的包含关系。它只是在表述一种总体情况时,将特例说明,强调 except for 前面的部分

    · except 前面提到的部分和后面“除去的”部分,是同一个类别,重点强调 except 的后面被除去的部分

    Everybody came except him.


    It’s a pleasant trip except for the flight delay.


    7.hit /hɪt/ vt. 冲击;重创(相当于damage/impact) hit jobs 影响就业,冲击就业

    take a hit from... 受到……的冲击

    People worry that the development of artificial intelligence could hit jobs.

    =People worry that the job market could take a hit from the development of artificial intelligence.


    8.invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ vt. 引起;招致 invite trouble 造成麻烦,带来麻烦(cause trouble)

    Daryl Morey’s twitter post has invited trouble for NBA.


    9.recession /rɪˈseʃən/ n. 经济衰退(指GDP至少连续两个季度下滑) depression n. 经济萧条(指经济衰退连续超过三年,或者 GDP 的负增长超过10%)

    the Great Depression 指1929-1933年美国的大萧条

    economic slowdown 经济增幅放缓

    10.fund /fʌnd/ vt. 为……提供资金,拨款给…… n. 资金;基金

    11.pay down  偿还 pay down debt 偿还债务(指分期付款)

    pay off debt 还清债务(指偿还全部债务)

    down payment (分期付款的)首期付款

    12.there are no signs yet of…  目前还没有迹象表明……

    13.snap purses tight  节衣缩食

    14.gauge /ɡeɪdʒ/ vt. 测算;评估



