我叫Jason(徐臻峰),来美国已近7年了。我从6岁的时候开始练习乒乓球,8岁时入选辽宁省集训队。师从教练宋良,他也是世界冠军王楠和郭跃以前的教练。经过三年的刻苦训练,我和另外一个队友从 200人的竞争中脱颖而出,被正式选入辽宁省专业队,之后在各类比赛中频频获奖。2011年入选国家集训队,有幸得到著名教练古镇江的亲自指导。2013年随家人来美国后,我很快适应了这里的生活,仍然坚持训练并研究乒乓球理论,关注乒乓球运动的趋势和发展。难以割舍对乒乓球事业的热爱,我决心在美国发扬光大乒乓球运动,用我丰富的经验和技能指导训练热爱乒乓球的人士,包括业余爱好者和专业球员。
我现在开始在 Triangle Table Tennis 教课,有兴趣的话可以报名。
1,Triangle Table Tennis Center, 1vs1私课,55$/hour。Group课:3-8人,$20/ 1.5 hours, 场地非常大,环境很好,无需自备球和捡球器。地址:2900 Perimeter Park Dr, Morrisville, NC 27560。报名网站:https://www.triangletabletennis.com/coaching/
2,Impact Table Tennis,1vs1私课, 40/hour,场地小一些无需自备球和捡球器。Group课: 3-8人,$18/1.5 hours,地址:2172 North Salem St, Suite 001, Apex, NC 27523
3,如果家里有球台的话我可以上门教私课,自备球和球台。在Cary范围15 miles以内,$35/hour;在Cary范围15 miles以外:$40/hour。
Gmail: xzf0307@gmail.com
My name is Jason. Ive been in the U.S. for about 7 years. Ive been playing table tennis since I was 6 years old. By age 8, I was selected to be in the Liaoning provincial team. I trained under coach Song Liang, who also trained Olympic gold medalists Wang Nan and Guo Yue. After three years of challenging training, I advanced to the official professional Liaoning team, and won many awards. I became a member of the national training team in 2011, and received personal training from the famous coach Gu Zhenjiang. In 2013, I moved to the U.S. with my family, and my passion for table tennis motivated me to continue training and develop my techniques.
I have mastered the most reliable and forefront techniques taught by table tennis coaches today, and I am confident that I can help students of any level master these methods. I have years of experience training with world-class table tennis masters, as well as years of experience coaching others. I can train anyone interested in table tennis, from beginners who want an introduction to athletes who want to improve. I will teach you with cutting-edge techniques and challenge you to play your best.
Triangle Table Tennis
Address: 2900 Perimeter Park Dr. Morrisville, NC 27560
Private lesson: $35/hour if you have your owned facility. $40/hour if you don’t have.
Contact number: 919-349-2958
Gmail: xzf0307@gmail.com
WeChat: X9195927594