Renewable forms of energy(注一:能源的再生形式)have been around forcenturies. Sunlight has been used for making fire and wood was burned forcooking and heat. Wind and water power were early sources of energy with windbeing used for propelling ships and turning windmills since ancient times.Rivers were used to turn watermills and the Romans(注二:罗马人)even used geothermalwater for heating.
Until the middle of the 18th century(注三:十八世纪)renewable sources ofenergy were the only forms of energy available, but then, with the advent ofthe Industrial Revolution, fossil fuels(注四:化石燃料)began to be exploited.
For the next 200 years fossil fuels reigned supreme, but inthe last 50 years, people began to wake up to the fact that fossil fuels wouldnot last for ever. Prices were becoming very unstable(注五: 价格开始变得很不稳定)and there was a general wake-up to the fact that emissions from these fossilfuels were doing enormous harm to the Earth's atmosphere(注六:地球的大气层). This gave rise toconsiderable concern over global climate change. As a result, attention beganto turn once again to sources of renewable energy and modern renewable energytechnology dates from this time.
Renewable energy is any form of energy obtained from naturalresources, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, geothermal heat and biomass.Currently about 20% of the world's energy comes from renewable sources,although only about 13% comes from biomass(注七:生物物质、生物质、生物量), and that is mostlyfrom wood burning.
Throughout the world there is significant potential toharness renewable energy in various forms. If a country is lacking in one formof energy, it is usually rich in another form. A good example is the SaharaDesert(注八:撒哈拉沙漠),where there is enormous potential for solar power, but none for hydroelectricity.
For domestic use renewable energy systems are oftenexpensive to install, but they are able to pay for themselves over a number ofyears(注九:多年之后,最初付出的钱就会慢慢找回来了).As technology advances, initial costs fall and this payback period becomesshorter. In addition, many governments promote renewable sources of energy bysubsidising installations.