每日一词39 synonym

每日一词39 synonym

作者: ph2_陈小烦 | 来源:发表于2018-11-08 13:24 被阅读0次

    意:a word,name, or phrase that very strongly suggests a particular idea, quality,etc.

    例:Wang Sicong has been a synonym for “fueedai”, the rich second generation.

    Synonym: 本意为“同义词”,但常常可以用来表示“XX的代名词”,强调两个事物之间的紧密联系。也可以用synonym来描述一个人或事的流行程度。

    例:Weibo user Xin xiaodai, the winner of Alipay’s lucky draw campaign,has become a synonym/ byword for “ the luckiest fish”.

    a synonym for= a byword for

    例:Ever since Bill Hewlett and David Packard set up in a garage nearly 80 years ago, it has been a byword for innovation and ingenuity.                          = Silicon Valley has been a synonym for innovation and ingenuity.


    A is a byword/synonym for B.


    每日一词39 synonym


    1)Muji has been a synonym for simplist minimalist and sleek excellent design.

    2) 场景:囊萤夜雪,在中国古代是勤奋的代名词。

    造句:Nang ying ye xue, which means using captured fireflies and snow to supply the light for reading, is a synonym for diligence.



          本文标题:每日一词39 synonym
