
Glad to hear it. Really looking forward to not dying. (很高兴收到你们的消息,终于不用等死了)

At some point, everything is going to go south on you. Everything is going to go south and you're going to say, "This is it. "This is how I end." Now, you can either accept that or you can get to work. That's all it is. You just begin. You do the math. You solve one problem then you solve the next one. And then the next. And if you solve enough problems, you get to come home.(有时候,所有的情况都会对你不利。所有的坏事一起发生,你就可能会想,就是这样了,这就是我的终点了。面对这种情况,你要么接受,要么想办法解决,这就是一切的真谛。解决问题,你想各种办法,解决一个问题,然后接着解决下一个问题,循环往复,等你解决了足够多的问题,你就可以回家了。)

I'm not gonna die here(我不能坐以待毙)

Can you imagine what he's going through up there? He's 50 million miles away from home. He thinks he's totally alone. He thinks we gave up on him. What does that do to a man, psychologically? What the hell is he thinking right now? (不敢想象他在火星得多难熬,距离地球五千万公里,独自一人,他认为我们抛弃了他,这对他的心理该是多大的摧残?他此时此刻在想什么?)

Every human being has a basic instinct: to help each other out. If a hiker gets lost in the mountains, people will coordinate a search. If a train crashes, people will line up to give blood. If an earthquake levels a city, people all over the world will send emergency supplies. This is so fundamentally human that it's found in every culture without exception. Yes, there are assholes who just don't care, but they're massively outnumbered by the people who do. (人类都有本能,会互相帮助。有人爬山时迷路了,会有人组织搜救。火车出事故了,人们会排着队去献血。有城市被地震夷为平地,全世界的人都会输送应急物资。这是基本的人性,全球各地无一例外,都是这样。没错,是会有一些不顾他人死活的混蛋,但是,关心他人的人要比这些混蛋多得多。)