Part 1: Words and Expressions
As with the disparity between Renée and Steve, the key difference between Steve’s performance and that of the new generation of memory whizzes lies in the details of their training.
to move quickly while making a buzzing or humming sound
to pass by quickly
to accomplish or complete something easily
E.g. : Cars whizzed by on the highway.
E.g. : He is a math whiz.
virtuous circle
The virtuous circle again.
a chain of events in which one desirable occurrence leads to another which further promotes the first occurrence and so on resulting in a continuous process of improvement
E,g.:the possibility of a virtuous circle: an improving economy leads to a surge in home purchases, which leads to more construction, which strengthen the economy further, and so on. ——Paul Krugman
Part 2: My Thoughts
Work Hard Play Hard
Part 3: Summary
Deliberate practice is the gold standard, the ideal to which anyone learning a skill should aspire.
The traditional view held that differences among individuals performing at these highest levels would be due primarily to innate talent.
The various techniques may not be easy to master, but a student can be shown exactly what to do and how to do it.
The field has had the chance to zero in on the proper or “best” way to master a skill.solitary practice was the most important factor in improving their performance, followed by such things as practicing with others, taking lessons, performing (particularly in solo performance), listening to music, and studying music theory.
These students were motivated to practice intensely and with full concentration because they saw such practice as essential to improving their performance.
The difference is the total number of hours that the students had devoted to solitary practice.
By now it is safe to conclude from many studies on a wide variety of disciplines that nobody develops extraordinary abilities without putting in tremendous amounts of practice.
Deliberate practice is different from other sorts of purposeful practice in two important ways: First, it requires a field that is already reasonably well developed. Second, deliberate practice requires a teacher who can provide practice activities designed to help a student improve his or her performance.
With this definition we are drawing a clear distinction between purposeful practice—in which a person tries very hard to push himself or herself to improve—and practice that is both purposeful and informed.