Peak刻意练习 - introduction

Peak刻意练习 - introduction

作者: 刘小麦同学 | 来源:发表于2017-07-31 21:45 被阅读77次


    Words and Expressions

    1. delve into the nuts and bolts

    原文:I have delved into the nuts and bolts of what they do and how they do it.

    delve into sth: 探究;钻研;If you delve into something, you try to discover new information about it.

    nuts and bolts:the basic, practical details of a job or other activity

    对通用的机械产品来说,螺母和螺栓是组成的基础零件,虽小,但有时候我们可能凭借这些小细节判断产品的优劣。这里nuts and bolts的意思是:具体细节,基本要素

    造句:He is the one who cares about the nuts and bolts of tasks.

    2. perfect pitch


    在这里是the quality of a sound governed by the rate of vibrations producing it; the degree of highness or lowness of a tone 音高

    3. up one's sleeve

    原文:But Mozart has another trick up his sleeve that is, if anything, even more surprising to the people of his era.

    (of a strategy, idea, or resource) kept secret and in reserve for use when needed

    作为锦囊妙计的; 心中另有高招

    If you have something up your sleeve, you have an idea or plan which you have not told anyone about. You can also say that someone hasan ace, card, ortrick uptheirsleeve.

    He was new to the game but had a few tricks up his sleeve.

    他虽不熟悉这项运动, 却自有锦囊妙计。



    看到作者提到perfect pitch这个例子的时候。我想起初中音乐课,我们有听声辩音课(绝对音高),最基本的练习是老师弹一个单音,告诉你是什么音(比如是1),然后再弹第二个音,你需要准确说出这什么音。我基本上属于完全蒙圈中,没写过对几个音,但是我闺蜜简直就是天才,每个音都能写对。当时,我崇拜死她了,后来才知道她在学钢琴,但我没有意识到这是长期训练的结果,一直以为我是音肓,她有天份。


    “In short, perfect pitch is not the gift, but, rather, the ability to develop perfect pitch is the gift—and, as nearly as we can tell, pretty much everyone is born with that gift.

    “...but the general belief was that no amount of practice would help if you didn’t have the right genes to start with.”


    1. This is a book about the gift that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Sakakibara’s schoolchildren, and Ray Allen all shared—the ability to create, through the right sort of training and practice, abilities that they would not otherwise possess by taking advantage of the incredible adaptability of the human brain and body.

    2. Furthermore, it is a book about how anyone can put this gift to work in order to improve in an area they choose.

    3. And finally, in the broadest sense this is a book about a fundamentally new way of thinking about human potential, one that suggests we have far more power than we ever realized to take control of our own lives.




        本文标题:Peak刻意练习 - introduction
