迟到的正义是正义吗?justice delayed is jus

迟到的正义是正义吗?justice delayed is jus

作者: 姝文中 | 来源:发表于2021-09-13 19:37 被阅读0次

First we need to figure out what justice is. What kind of justice are we talking about. Justice can fall into two kinds: substantial justice and procedure justice. Based on these two kinds, we can look into two situations.

First delayed justice is to correct the wrong court ruling, which I think is justice. Just as the saying goes, the laws sometimes sleep, but it may never die. Wrong convictions did happen from time to time, it seems no compensation could make up for the loss of victims. But I would say we badly  need the courage to correct the false convictions, because even though the ultimate justice is delayed, but it bring back our faith towards the law. We can  always count on law, when you can't, maybe it is on the way.

Second, delayed justice means the slow process of judgement, which I think is not justice. It took too long to settle a case down. Actually it will cause a second punishment towards the defendants. Because he is sentenced for too long without an immediate decision. He is unsure about his status. Meanwhile, the procedural procrastination is also what prosecutors don't want to see. They want the defendant to be punished immediately. Therefore, the slow process of judgement didn't realize neither party's purpose nor that of criminal penalty. It cannot be called justice even though the result is proper. 


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      本文标题:迟到的正义是正义吗?justice delayed is jus
