Part 1: Summary
When you are pushed out of your comfort zone, the body responded by getting strong enough to establish a new comfort zone.A new homeostasis have been reestablished.But if you push too far outside your comfort zone, you risk injuring yourself and actually setting yourself back.The most effective forms of practice increase your ability to play rather than help you learn to play a certain instrument.Regular training leads to changes in the parts of the brain that are challenged by the training. We still have chance to improve ourselves though we think that we are "good enough".
Part 2: My thoughts
Actions speak louder than words.
Part 3: Words and Expressions
He was like the pianist playing the same songs the same way for thirty years. That is a recipe for stagnation, not improvement.
be a recipe for something中的recipe原意是“食谱” “配方”,在这里表示“原因”
What is not natural is a true dead-stop obstacle, one that is impossible to get around, over, or through.
这里的get around, over, or through: get around, get over和get through都有“克服困难”的意思。作者连用三个get有关的短语来强调不同的困难程度。
E.g.:Don't just think about it! Think over it! Think through it.
One way or another
The sorts of practice that most people have already experienced in one way or another.
One way or another的意思是“用这样或那样的方式”,也就是“无论如何”,例如我们想表达“不择手段”的时候就可以用到这个词
E.g.: Some people archive their ambitions in one way or another.
The idea for the study had come from an obscure paper I had discovered while searching through old scientific studies
obscure这个词主要有两个意思,一个是“晦涩难懂的”,一个是“鲜为人知的“,在这里取第二个意思。英国作家哈代写过一本书叫《无名的裘德》,英文名字就是Jude the Obscure。
exceptional, extraordinary;
gift, talent, facility.
How far you travel along that path is up to you. Fighting!