The string command
Strings are the basic data items in Tcl. The general syntax of the Tcl string command is string operation stringvalue otherargs
tcl> string length abc
tcl> string index abc 1
tcl> string range abcd 1 end
To compare two strings you can also use ==. But that might not work as you wanted with strings containing digits because 1 equals 1.00 (but not in a string sense).
if [string compare $a $b] {puts "$a and $b differ"}
Use 'first' or 'last' to look for a substring. The return value is the index of the first character of the substring within the string.
tcl> string first abc xxxabcxxxabcxx
tcl> string last abc xxxabcxxxabcxxx
tcl> string last abc xxxxxx-1
The 'string match' command uses the glob-style pattern matching like many UNIX shell commands do.
Glob-style syntax:
*Matches any number of any character.
?Matches any single character.
[ ]One of a set of characters like [a-z].
tcl> string match {a[0-9]bc?def\?ghi*} a5bcYdef?ghixxx
tcl> set a [string tolower abcXY]
tcl> string toupper $a
tcl> string trim " abc "
tcl> string trimright "xxabcxxxx"
tcl> string trimleft " a bc"
a bc
Here comes a small example that finds the word with 'x' in a sentence.
tcl> set s {abc dexfgh ijklm}
tcl> string first x $s
tcl> set start [string wordstart $s 6] ;# start position
tcl> set end [string wordend $s 6] ;# position after word10
tcl> string range $s $start [expr $end - 1]
More commands dealing with strings
tcl> set a abc
tcl>append a defabcdef
tcl> puts [format"%8s\t%8.4f" $a -12.7] abcdef -12.7000
tcl>scan "distance 12.34m" "%s%f%c" what value unit
Regular Expressions
Regular expression syntax
.Matches any character.
*Matches zero or more.
?Matches zero or one.
( )Groups a sub-pattern.
[ ]Set of characters like [a-z]. [^0-9] means that numbers are excluded.
^Beginning of the string.
$End of string.
tcl>regexp {hello|Hello} Hello1
tcl> regexp {[hH]ello} Hello1
tcl> regexp {[0-9]\.([a-z])([a-wyz]*)} "xxx8.babcxxxxxx" match s1 s21
tcl> puts "$match $s1 $s2"8.babc b abc
tcl>regsub {[0-9]\.([a-z])([a-wyz]*)} "xxx8.babcxxxxxx" {__\1__\2__&__} var; puts $var
Tcl lists are just strings with a special interpretation. Separated by white space or grouped with braces or quotes.
tcl> set mylist "a b {c d}"
tcl> set mylist [lista b {c d}] ;# same as above
tcl>for each element $mylist {puts $element}
abc d
Here several Tcl commands related to lists:
tcl>lindex $mylist 1 ;# note the index starts with 0b
tcl>llength $mylist ;# 'c d' is only one element
tcl>lappend mylist {g h} ;# this time the list name 'mylist' is used
a b {c d} {g h}
tcl>lrange $mylist 2 end
{c d} {g h}
tcl>linsert $mylist 3 E x ;# note that we don't give the list name here!
a b {c d} E x {g h}
tcl> set mylist [linsert $mylist 3 E x] ;# to change the list we have to use 'set'
a b {c d} E x {g h}
tcl>lsearch -exact $mylist E ;# other modes are the default '-glob' and '-regexp'
tcl>lreplace $mylist 3 5 e f {g h i} a b {c d} e f {g h i}
tcl> lreplace $mylist 3 3 ;# delete element 3
tcl>lsort "-1.2 -1 -900 -90 1e-3 10"
-1 -1.2 -90 -900 10 1e-3
tcl> lsort -real "-1.2 -1 -900 -90 1e-3 10" ;# other flags are '-ascii','-integer','-increasing','-decreasing'
-900 -90 -1.2 -1 1e-3 10
tcl> list "a b" c
{a b} c
tcl>concat "a b" c
a b c
tcl> join "{} usr local bin" /
tcl> split /usr/my-local/bin /-
{} usr my local bin
tcl> array exists a
tcl> set a(0) 0.12; set a(1) 1.23; set a(name) hello
tcl> array size a
tcl> array names a
0 name 1
tcl> array get a
0 0.12 name hello 1 1.23
The initialization could have been done with:
tcl> array set a "0 0.12 name hello 1 1.23"
tcl> array set b [array get a] ;# Copy array b from a:
Other array commands are startsearch, nextelement, anymore, donesearch.