

作者: 清醒自由 | 来源:发表于2023-02-01 08:07 被阅读0次




Bodhisattvas are great beings who have dedicated their whole lives to cultivating compassion and liberating others from suffering. So is it possible for a bodhisattva to get angry? Of course it is. Being a bodhisattva doesn’t mean you are perfect. Anyone who is aware of what is happening within themselves and tries to wake up other people is a bodhisattva. We are all bodhisattvas, doing our best. Along the way, we may feel angry or frustrated.

It is said that when one bodhisattva gets angry at another bodhisattva, countless obstacles are set up everywhere in the universe. When we have hatred and anger in ourselves, they rebound to all quarters. When we have peace and joy in ourselves, our peace and joy will radiate throughout the whole cosmos.




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    本文标题:每日翻译:无数的障碍  COUNTLESS OBSTACLES‖
