Income is money recieved for a work or from investments 收入是指从工作或投资中获得的钱
For a company to survive its income needs to be more than expense
People who earn a good salary can buy what they need to survive
A receipt is given to you after you have paid for something
A receipt is proof that you have paid for something
A receipt shows that something has been paid for
After paying for something,be sure to get a receipt
An invoice is a request for payment
An invoice lists the prices and products being bought
To invoice someone means to give them a bill for products or services
Once an invoice is paid,it can be used as a receipt
Taxes are what be paid to the government for government services
Taxes pay for many services,such as education、police and health care
An income tax,is a tax on your income
In some countries,income taxes are very high
Interest is what we pay to lenders when we borrow money
If someone lends you money,you pay interest (利息)for the use of that money
People pay taxes to pay for government services