PART 1 Expressions
1. It also adds a certain kind of information -- not hard facts, but enjoyable lore.
lore: knowledge or information about a subject, for example nature or magic, that is not written down but is passed from person to person 口头传说
According to lore, a ghost still haunts the castle.
2. Besides explaining the genesis of the trip, that paragraph does one other job.
genesis: [ˈdʒɛnɪsɪs] the beginning or origin of sth
the genesis of the myth/ the universe
His speech was an exposition of the genesis of the conflict.
3. Another throwaway phrase is the line about beating the crowd.
1. throwaway products 一次性产品,SYN disposable, eg. a throwaway cigarette lighter
2. throwaway remark/ line/ comment etc, something that sb says or writes quickly, without thinking carefully about it
It was only a throwaway comment.
He claims people overacted to a few throwaway lines in the article.
4. At last a merciful muse gave me Medicare.
muse: (v.) ponder; (n.) 1. 缪斯女神;2. source of one's inspiration
However difficult she might have been, this book exalts her as both mother and muse.
I have to thank my lovely muse.
5. But I didn't begrudge a minute of it.
begrudge: [bɪˈɡrʌdʒ]
1. to feel angry or upset with sb because they have sth that you think they do not deserve 嫉妒(begrudge sb sth)
We shouldn't begrudge her this success.
2. too feel annoyed or unhappy that you have to pay sth, give sb sth etc 不情愿地付出 (begrudge sb sth, begrudge doing sth)
The farmer's wife never begrudged him a meal at the end of the day.
I begrudge spending so much money on train fares.
6. Our thoughts were fixed on our rendezvous with the salt caravan at Timbuktu.
rendezvous: [ˈrɑ:ndɪvu:] (n.) 约会;约会场所;集结地
He made a rendezvous with her in Times Square.
Boats picked us up at pre-arranged rendezvous.
a popular rendezvous for media people
(v.) too meet sb at a time or place that was arranged earlier
We'll rendezvous with James in Nicosia.
7. Used in moderation, making yourself gullible -- or downright stupid -- gives the reader the enormous pleasure of feeling superior.
gullible: [ˈgʌləbl] 易上当的;易受骗的
What point is there in admitting that the stories fed to the gullible public were false?
gullibility: (n.)
类似表达: credulity [krɪˈdu:ləti]
Advertisers were accused of exploiting consumers' credulity.
8. The total task seems less formidable, and panic is staved off.
stave: (过去式 stove/ staved) (v.)穿孔;压碎
stave sth off: to keep sb or sth from reaching you or affecting you for a period of time
She brought some fruit on the journey to stave off hunger.
stave sth in: to break sth inwards
The ship's side was stove in when it went onto the rocks.
9. Mainly our reaction was one of amazement that the canons of truth-in-advertising had been so brazenly disregarded.
brazen: [ˈbreɪzn] (a.) 1. 黄铜做的; 2. 无耻的,厚脸皮的 used to describe a person, or the actions of a person, who is not embarrassed about behaving in a wrong or immortal way
her brazen admission that she was cheating on him
brazenly: (ad.) doing sth openly, without showing or feeling any shame
She smiled at him brazenly.
10. As a postscript, there's one last decision I'd like to mention.
postscript: (abbreviation PS) 1. 附笔 a message written at the end of a little after you have signed your name.
2. extra details or information that you add after a story or an account
There's an interesting postscript to this tale.
我之前一直以为文末的PS是plus来着 ^_^!!
PS: prescript 药方;规则;法令
PART 2 Thoughts
Getting on the plane has taken me to unusual stories all over the world and all over America, and it still does. That isn't to say I'm not nervous when I leave for the airport; I always am -- that's part of the deal. (A little nervousness gives writing an edge.) But I'm always replenished when I get back home.