pgrep, pkill 使用

作者: holly_wang_王小飞 | 来源:发表于2016-11-12 14:24 被阅读81次


kill `ps aux | grep -w program_name | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

使用 pgrep 和 pkill 可以简单的实现

PGREP(1)                      Linux User’s Manual                     PGREP(1)

       pgrep, pkill - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes

       pgrep [-flvx] [-d delimiter] [-n|-o] [-P ppid,...] [-g pgrp,...]
            [-s sid,...] [-u euid,...] [-U uid,...] [-G gid,...]
            [-t term,...] [pattern]

       pkill [-signal] [-fvx] [-n|-o] [-P ppid,...] [-g pgrp,...]
            [-s sid,...] [-u euid,...] [-U uid,...] [-G gid,...]
            [-t term,...] [pattern]

       pgrep looks through the currently running processes and lists the process IDs which matches the selection criteria to stdout.  All the criteria have to match.  For example,

       pgrep -u root sshd

       will only list the processes called sshd AND owned by root.  On the other hand,

       pgrep -u root,daemon

       will list the processes owned by root OR daemon.

       pkill will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each process instead of listing them on stdout.

       -d delimiter
              Sets the string used to delimit each process ID in the output (by default a newline).  (pgrep only.)

       -f     The pattern is normally only matched against the process name.  When -f is set, the full command line is used.

       -g pgrp,...
              Only match processes in the process group IDs listed.  Process group 0 is translated into pgrep’s or pkill’s own process group.

       -G gid,...
              Only match processes whose real group ID is listed.  Either the numerical or symbolical value may be used.

       -l     List the process name as well as the process ID. (pgrep only.)

       -n     Select only the newest (most recently started) of the matching processes.

       -o     Select only the oldest (least recently started) of the matching processes.

       -P ppid,...
              Only match processes whose parent process ID is listed.

       -s sid,...
              Only match processes whose process session ID is listed.  Session ID 0 is translated into pgrep’s or pkill’s own session ID.

       -t term,...
              Only match processes whose controlling terminal is listed.  The terminal name should be specified without the "/dev/" prefix.

       -u euid,...
              Only match processes whose effective user ID is listed.  Either the numerical or symbolical value may be used.

       -U uid,...
              Only match processes whose real user ID is listed.  Either the numerical or symbolical value may be used.

       -v     Negates the matching.

       -x     Only match processes whose name (or command line if -f is specified) exactly match the pattern.

              Defines the signal to send to each matched process.  Either the numeric or the symbolic signal name can be used.  (pkill only.)

              Specifies an Extended Regular Expression for matching against the process names or command lines.

       Example 1: Find the process ID of the named daemon:

       unix$ pgrep -u root named

       Example 2: Make syslog reread its configuration file:

       unix$ pkill -HUP syslogd

       Example 3: Give detailed information on all xterm processes:

       unix$ ps -fp $(pgrep -d, -x xterm)

       Example 4: Make all netscape processes run nicer:

       unix$ renice +4 ‘pgrep netscape‘

       0      One or more processes matched the criteria.

       1      No processes matched.

       2      Syntax error in the command line.

       3      Fatal error: out of memory etc.

       The  process  name  used  for  matching  is  limited  to  the  15  characters present in the output of /proc/pid/stat.  Use the -f option to match against the complete command line,

       The running pgrep or pkill process will never report itself as a match.

       The options -n and -o and -v can not be combined.  Let me know if you need to do this.

       Defunct processes are reported.

       ps(1) regex(7) signal(7) killall(1) skill(1) kill(1) kill(2)

       pkill and pgrep were introduced in Sun’s Solaris 7.  This implementation is fully compatible.


while [1 -eq 1]  #死循环
   for procname in proc1 proc2  #需要检测的进程名字
      pgrep $procname
      if [0 -ne $? ]  #如果进程不存在就重启它
   sleep 10
done &

pgrep 根据给出的进程名判断是否有这个名字的进程。如果有这个名字的进程正常退出,退出值0.如果没有这个名字的进程异常退出,退出值1。最后加 & 符号,表示让脚本在后台执行,即将shell关闭后 程序仍在运行


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    本文标题:pgrep, pkill 使用
