

作者: 唯有时间不可负 | 来源:发表于2019-11-16 09:14 被阅读0次

01.  在某个时刻,我们会感到心累,觉得无能为力。有的人背着贷款,一夜之间丢了工作;有的人想买房安家,总是凑不齐首付;有的人结婚十几年,突然得知爱人另有新欢;有的人单身了三十几年,一直找不到真爱。生活给了我们太多质疑自己的理由,我们的心很累,自尊心受到了打击,忘记了儿时的梦想和年轻时的斗志,觉得自己活着就是一个天大的笑话。

At some point, we feel tired and powerless. Some people carry a loan, lost their jobs overnight; some people want to buy a home, always cannot make up the down payment; some people married more than ten years, suddenly learned that the lover has another new love; some single for more than thirty years, has not been able to find true love. Life gives us too many reasons to question ourselves, our hearts are very tired, self-esteem has been hit, forget the dream of childhood and young fighting spirit, feel that they live is a big joke.

02  一个注定会成功的人,即使所有人对他落井下石,他也会将别人扔下来的石头,作为他爬出井的垫脚石。真正让自己沉沦,永远站不起来的人,只有你自己。不要过分依赖别人的认可,不要因为别人的不认可而失魂落魄。总有很多讨厌你、嫉妒你的人,不要把他们的看法放在心上,给自己添堵受累。

A man who is destined to succeed, even if all the stones of his fall, he will throw the stone from others as a stepping stone for him to climb out of the well. The one who truly let himself sink, and will never rise, will be your own. Don't rely on other people's approval. Don't lose your mind because of other people's disapproval. There are always a lot of people who hate you, jealous of you, don't take their views to heart, add to yourself.

30  心累的时候,就像感冒一样,免疫力低下,容易迷失自我,被不好的思想侵袭和洗脑,忘了自己真正想要的东西,忘了自己的信仰和底线。即使有人欺负自己,也要始终对这个世界心存善意,因为善良永远能够战胜邪恶,正能量的力量是无穷大的。相信自己,不要纠结过去,也不必担心未来。因为当下这一刻,才是我们真正握在手里的,从这一刻开始,重新站起来,奔向一个积极的目的地。

When the heart is tired, like a cold, the immunity is low, the self is easy to lose, the bad thoughts attack and wash the brain, forget the things that they really want, forget their own beliefs and the bottom line. Even if a person is bullied, he will always be in good faith in the world, for goodness can always prevail over the evil, and the power of the positive energy is infinite. Believe in yourself, don't dwell on the past and don't have to worry about the future. For now this moment, we are really in the hands, starting from this moment, and going to a positive destination. .

04  大多数半途而废的人,其实并没有意识到,在他们放弃的时候,他们离成功只有一步之遥。




Most people who give up halfway do not realize that when they give up, they are only one step away from success. When the heart is tired, must hold a breath, again persevere, survived is a bright. And gave up, is the previous work wasted, too pity, too sorry before the efforts. Life is not a sprint, but a marathon run, and those who persist to the end are the final winners. On this marathon track, don't go after someone who runs faster than you, you'll be exhausted early, and don't laugh at someone who runs slower than you, and you'll slow down because of arrogance. Always keep the best speed for yourself, step by step through the end. .

If you feel suffocated, you can't run, don't fight, slow down, or even stop. If you are still unable to do so, ask for help from the rescue station along the way in time. Appropriate compromise, let go, rest and help, temporary stop is not to give up, but to adjust the state, continue to run.


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