

作者: 啊攀攀了 | 来源:发表于2019-06-18 23:09 被阅读0次

    Something Is Changing in the Way People Eat at Home


    Out with the kitchen table, and in with the couch.


    By Joe Pinsker

    According to a recent survey of more than 1,000 American adults, the table is becoming a less and less popular surface to eat on. Nearly three-quarters of those surveyed said they grew up typically eating dinner at a kitchen table, but a little less than half said they do so now when eating at home.


    Where are they dining instead? The couch and the bedroom are both far more popular now than in the respondents’ youth. Thirty percent of the survey takers cited the couch as their primary at-home eating location, and 17 percent took meals in the bedroom. To put it another way, the number of respondents who most often eat at a kitchen table nowadays is roughly the same as the number who eat either on the couch or in their bedroom.

    respondent  /rɪˈspɑːndənt/  n.    调查对象
    60% of the respondents agreed with the suggestion.
    回覆调查的人中 60% 同意这项建议。

    cite  /saɪt/    v. 提及(原因);举出(示例)
    He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown.


    Those figures come from June, a company that sells internet-connected ovens. As such, they should be treated with a bit of caution, since they were likely published as marketing fodder rather than purely in the interest of public knowledge. (The pool of respondents was equally split between men and women, but probably wasn’t nationally representative in terms of other demographic factors. Nonetheless, when I brought these findings to the attention of several food scholars, all of them said that these patterns ring true—and, more broadly, that something seems to be changing in the way people eat at home.

    fodder  /ˈfɑːdər/ n.  (人或东西)只能是…的料:
    This story will be more fodder for the gossip columnists.
    demographic factor  人口因素
    in the interest of sth  为了;为帮助(或取得)
    ring true 听起来似乎是真实的

    这些数据来自June, 这是一家销售联网烤箱的公司。就这点而论,这些数据应当谨慎对待,因为这些数据很可能公布出来,被用做营销噱头,而不单纯作为公众知识。(这群受访者,男女比例各占一半,但就其他的人口因素来说,这些受访者可能在全国范围内并不具有代表性。)不过,当我把这些调查结果让几个美食学者看时,他们一致认为这种变化模式似乎不无道理——从更广泛的角度来说,人们在家就餐的方式正发生着某些变化。



