Next week, students would learn about sportsman and the textbook features Liu Xiang. Most of the time, teachers would complain that students do not even know much about him because they were just born when Liu won gold medal in Athens Olympic Games.
In the past several years, I just guided the kids to go through some important details in Liu Xiang’s career life and this barely leaves any impression to them.
But I have a different opinion this year. What I appreciate more about this text is not his groundbreaking winning but his two seemingly disappointing failures in the following two Olymipc games. I want to show the kids Liu’s performance in London Olympics, to witness his crash against the first barrier and how he behaved afterwards. This may be a poignant moment for Liu, but a highly teachable moment for the kids: how a hero reacts to his own failure when being witnessed by the whole world. I want to ask them two questions: how did Liu feel at that moment? How do you feel? What would you like to say to him at that moment?
Actually, these questions are not only for the kids, they are also for me. Life is just full of ups and downs; always be aware that we are not defined by these ups and downs but by our attitude towards them.