
作者: 点石陈金 | 来源:发表于2017-04-24 12:36 被阅读161次

     Lying in your life is the most common phenomenon.

   Sometimes lying follows your nature ,sometimes it against your nature.

    Life itself is a big lie,no one can escape from it.

   lying is just like handling a small boat on the river of turbulence ,once out of control,everything lost with the flow water.

  Lying is just like flying in the sky,the higher you fly,the more danger you will face.

  Sometimes a lie can save one's life,sometimes it can take life from someone.  

   The only enemy of lie is truth,and it takes your courage and even life to spill out.    

  There is a moment of truth ,just like sunrise take away every piece of darkness of night.                



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