Markdown Day 1

Markdown Day 1

作者: binkougz | 来源:发表于2015-04-03 00:25 被阅读0次

It's essential to have some knowledge of markdown to begin blogging, i suppose, so let's get started.

Header 1

Header 2

Header 2 again

i use "##words" on line three, so looks like no diff with "## words"
besides, mark has to be the first character in each line, otherwise won't working, just show as plain text.

there are totally 6 levels of headers, (i don't know the mark of bold or highlight with some colour yet, just be it).

Header 6


style one:

  • item number 1
  • item number 2
  • item number 3
  • item number 4

oh, wow, "- words" with dash mark, let's see numbered list.

  1. apple
  2. microsoft
  3. google
  4. amazon

oh ic, it interpreted as it is; you see that ibm? if there is no space right after the item, it will be treated as a group.

nothing really amazing so far, lets continue.


i found myself, three dashes. :), like this "---"

Links, hyperlinks

let's steal some links and photos
how about some lovely pics


okay, enough for this, but i'm wondering how i'm gonna do if i want to use my own pic, store somewhere else? like github?


we often quote from someone who you have sorts of acknowledgment, like in this case, Jobs,

Stay hungry, stay foolish!

i bet it totally depends on the interpreter to render how its look like, i hate this style of quote by the way.

Bold and italic

Live a bold life
gets in the ring, fight for your dream

how about nested

Once you discover that simple fact, you will never be the same again!



fruit cloth workout
apple not visible gym
orange skirt field

looks nice and easy, although the content is not quite right.

The End


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