Sep. 2018 苹果专题之 Heroes

Sep. 2018 苹果专题之 Heroes

作者: 宝玩学术专题乐园 | 来源:发表于2018-09-05 18:46 被阅读0次

Hi boys and girls, do you like Heroes?

今天在课室里,老师和小朋友们讨论了 Hero 这个主题。The discussion went something like this:

Teacher: Heroes are brave. Heroes do good things. Can you tell me some of the heroes you know?

Kid #1: I like Spider-Man, he can climb walls! And he fights bad guys.

Kid #2: I like Iron Man. He has an armor. He’s like a transformer!

Kid #3: I like firemen, my daddy is a fireman. They put out fire. They save lives. I wanna be a fireman like Daddy.

Kid #4: My dad’s in the Army, I don’t see him much...but I know he protects the country!

Kid #5: My mom’s a nurse, she helps people feel better.

And the discussion went on...

So you see, heros are all around us.

Look around you, can you tell us, who are the heroes in your life?



      本文标题:Sep. 2018 苹果专题之 Heroes
