2018-12-25 每日一词 uphill

2018-12-25 每日一词 uphill

作者: 叶小静Stamy | 来源:发表于2018-12-25 22:15 被阅读1次

    Day 66 

    释义:something that is very difficult to do and needs a lot of effort and determination

    =difficult, hard, tough, demanding 

    常修饰 struggle, battle, task, climb, fight 

    反义词:downhill  →易如反掌:be all downhill (from here) 或者 be downhill all the way (from here)


    1-Whenever the Chinese national football team plays a European team, it is going to be an uphill struggle. 

    2-Alibaba has been widely regarded as an e-commerce giant. Although it seemed like an uphill task for Pinduoduo to stand out, it dealt tactfully with the hard realities and went public merely three years after its launch. 

    3-Gender parity in science is an uphill struggle. 


    1-翻译:要在两个月之内把雅思从 6 分提到 8 分对任何人来说都是一件非常难的事情. 

    It's an uphill task for everyone to raise his IELTS results from 6 to 8 within 2 months. 


    Stepping out of one's comfort zone is an uphill struggle for most  people.

    参考翻译:To improve IELTS from Band 6 to Band 8 within two months is an uphill struggle/task to anyone.



          本文标题:2018-12-25 每日一词 uphill
