Intentionally changing the subject frustrates the purpose of discussion. To avoid this error, face difficult questions head-on. If you know the
answer, state it. If the issue is too complex to permit a certain answer,
state what you believe to be probable and explain your reasoning. If you
lack sufficient knowledge to speak of probabilities, say so. No reasonable
person will think less of you for candidly admitting ignorance.
Shifting the Burden of Proof
The error of shifting the burden of proof consists of demanding that others disprove our assertions. Let’s say Bill asserts, “The greatest single
cause of exploding health care costs in this country is unnecessary referral of patients for costly medical testing.” Barbara then asks Bill to explain why he believes that to be the case. He responds, “Can you cite any evidence to disprove it? If you can’t, then say so.” Bill is guilty of shifting the burden of proof. He made an assertion; he should be ready to support it if asked and not demand that others refute it. The rule is that whoever makes the assertion bears the burden of supporting it, and the more the assertion departs from what knowledgeable people believe, the greater the responsibility of the person making the assertion to support it.