【汉化】Side Battle Status UI plugin

【汉化】Side Battle Status UI plugin

作者: 沧笙 | 来源:发表于2018-10-10 23:34 被阅读321次

    This is a RPG Maker MV plugin that changes the UI of the battle system to something more minimalistic. The menus are placed towards the player's party to let the player focus their attention to the center of the screen instead of to the lower ledges of the screen.
    这是一个RPG Maker MV插件,可以将战斗系统的UI更简约。菜单放置在玩家的位置上,让玩家将注意力集中在屏幕的中心而不是屏幕的下方。

    This plugin best works in a game with a higher resolution. I recommend a 16:9 screen ratio of roughly 1280x720 size. If you want to change your game screen's resolution, please use Yanfly's Core Engine plugin:

    The status menu is also reworked to reduce the amount of lag produced by the game system. Without this plugin, RPG Maker MV's battle system produces a lot of lag and uses too many resources by constantly redrawing the status window every turn. This causes the game's FPS to drop a lot. This plugin changes the times needed to update the status window and only when it needs to do so.
    状态菜单也被重新设计以减少游戏系统滞后感。如果没有这个插件,RPG Maker MV的战斗系统会产生很多延迟,并且每回合不断地重新绘制状态窗口会占用太多资源。这导致游戏的FPS下降很多。此插件会更改更新状态窗口所需的时间,并且仅在需要时更改。


    This is the FPS without the UI plugin at turn start


    This is the FPS with the UI plugin at turn start

    This plugin requires YEP Battle Engine Core because it uses a lot of functions from the Battle Engine Core to optimize and reduce the amount of lag produced by the battle system and to calculate the window positions. If you do not have this plugin, go here to download it from Yanfly's website: http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/10/yep-3-battle-engine-core/
    这个插件需要YEP Battle Engine Core,因为它使用来自Battle Engine Core的许多功能来优化和减少战斗系统产生的滞后量并计算窗口位置。如果你没有这个插件,去这里从Yanfly的网站上下载它:http://yanfly.moe/2015/10/10/yep-3-battle-engine-core/

    Plugin Parameters

    Plugin parameters can be changed to customize your battle's appearance. Please go over each one carefully.


    Position Actors: Position actor sprites on the screen using the formula below? This overrides the formula used in Yanfly's Battle Engine Core and Row Formation so turn this off if you want to use those settings instead.
    角色位置:使用下面的公式在屏幕上定位角色图像,这将覆盖Yanfly的Battle Engine Core和Row Formation中使用的公式,如果您想要使用这些设置,请将其关闭。

    Formula for X: Formula used for X screen position

    Formula for Y: Formula used for Y screen position

    Position Enemies: Position enemy sprites on the screen using the formula below? This overrides the formula used in Yanfly's Core Engine and Row Formation so turn this off if you want to use those settings instead.

    Formula for X: Formula used for X screen position

    Formula for Y: Formula used for Y screen position


    Status Window:

    Ceiling Distance: How many pixels from the top of the screen to leave as room for the status windows?

    Gauge Height: How high should the gauges of the windows be pixels

    Gauge Width: How wide should the gauges of the windows be in pixels


    Move Distance: Active: Move the status window this many pixels when the battler is the active battler

    Move Distance: Selected: Move the status window this many pixels when the battler is selected for a skill or item target

    Move Distance: Speed: The move speed for the window when animating


    States Max: Maximum number of states to draw on the status windows

    Window Scale: Scale the size of the contents of the status windows down by this much

    Window Width: How wide should the status windows be on the screen

    Window Settings:


    Dim Help Window: Dim the help window background

    Command Window Width: Width in pixels for battle command windows


    List Window Rows: Maximum number of rows to use for each of the list windows

    List Window Width: Width in pixels for battle list windows

    Window Scale: Scale the size of the contents of the command and list windows down by this much


    Window Masking Effect: Enable or disable the window masking effect. By turning off masking, you also get weird of the strange clipping effects when windows are on top of each other.


    If you want to display TP in battle, please enable the Display TP in Battle checkbox in the Database's System tab. This is a new feature added in from the September 4, 2018 update of the plugin. Thank you, NightWaIker for alerting me of this forgotten feature.


    This plugin is made for RPG Maker MV versions 1.6.1 and below. If you update RPG Maker MV past that and this plugin breaks, I am NOT responsible for it.


    This plugin is compatible with the following plugins:

      • YEP Core Engine
      • YEP Battle Engine Core
      • YEP Action Sequence Packs 1, 2, 3
      • YEP Animated Sideview Enemies
      • YEP Buffs & States Core
      • YEP Damage Core
      • YEP Element Core

    Place this plugin under those in the Plugin Manager list.

    This plugin is NOT compatible with other plugins that change the battle status window because they are likely to overwrite each other.

    Terms of Use

    1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games.
    2. 'Fallen Angel Olivia' must be given credit in your games.
    3. You are allowed to edit the code.
    4. Do NOT change the filename, parameters, and information of the plugin.
    5. You are NOT allowed to redistribute these Plugins.
    6. You may NOT take code for your own released Plugins without credit.

    Change Log History

    • Sep 4 2018: Added in TP display if Database System tab has "Display TP in Battle" checked.
    • Sep 7 2018: Minimum window calculation fix



          本文标题:【汉化】Side Battle Status UI plugin
