10月26日 星期四 雨
今天上午,一个foreigner friend visit our 寝室,她是一个很漂亮很和气的美国女孩。她大方地问道:”How are you doing ?” 哦,我高兴异常,知音难觅啊。刚学的一句正好派上用场:”We are great !” “Oh oh, you are great,oh!”她带着一副惊奇又惊喜的样子。”Don’t you have class?” “Yes.”“Oh,that’s great.”
“Min,what’s your name?” “My name is Zheng Jie.””Zheng Jie.oh oh.””
“Oh,sit down please.”我差点搞忘了。”Thank you!””She looks at me very gladly.””And what’s your name?””My name is Qing xiao xi.””Qing xiao xi.””I know this is American Chinese.””Yes, Qing xiao xi.”
接着,她又问了寝室另外几个人的名字。她还特意拿出笔记本上每个人的名字,而且还注上拼音,然后她自我介绍:”My name is Ken xiao ping.””Ken xiao ping we look at her puzzly.”
她于是在纸上歪歪扭扭地写下“恳笑平”三个字。我觉得奇怪,她怎么叫这个名字呢?我于是好奇地问她:”Why are you called Ken xiao ping?””Hm,my teacher,wu dao lao shi shuo bu hao ting.””No,I think it is beautiful. Hm,xiao means smile,ping means just and equally and so on.””She is very happy.oh,ken is my grandfather’s name……””I didn’t know what she said later.”然后,她问我们喜欢什么,又问我们住在哪里,问武汉有哪些好吃的好玩的地方等等。我大胆地说着我蹩脚的英语。但末了,她却说我:”But I think your English is good.”那一刻,我好高兴。其实,学习英语就是为了交流。直到这时,我才深深体会到寻找到英语学的魅力,我跟她交谈得不亦乐乎!
她要起身走了,我又不时时机地卖弄了一句:”I hope you’re enjoying staying here.””Oh,I’m enjoying,thank you.”我心里一阵甜蜜。