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英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Intera

英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Intera

作者: karen_ffda | 来源:发表于2019-08-13 18:39 被阅读0次



    To interfere, to slow something down or make it worse by getting in the way. 妨碍,妨碍,妨碍妨碍妨碍,妨碍,妨碍

    Having too many meetings is interfering with our work. 开太多会妨碍我们的工作。

    I told her to leave us alone and not to interfere in our problems. 我告诉她不要打扰我们,不要干涉我们的问题。

    She told me not to interfere, so I left the room and let them deal with the problem. 她叫我不要干涉,所以我离开了房间,让他们处理这个问题。

    To reflect, to think about or consider something, or to throw back image as from a mirror.反射,思考或考虑某物,或像从镜子中反射出影像。

    Before I make a decision, I'd like some time to reflect.在我做决定之前,我想先考虑一下。

    When you look into a mirror, your image is reflected back to you.当你照镜子时,你的影像会反射回你自己。

    After finishing the project, he looked back and reflected on what might have been done to make it better.完成这个项目后,他回头看了看,想了想应该怎么做才能把它做得更好。

    Upon further reflection, I've decided to postpone the project.经过进一步考虑,我决定推迟这个项目。

    To influence, to have an effect on something.影响,对某事产生影响。

    I think she can help us influence the others.我认为她可以帮助我们影响其他人。

    I don't think we can influence the final result.我认为我们不能影响最终的结果。

    They don't care what we think, so it will be difficult to influence their decision.他们不在乎我们怎么想,所以很难影响他们的决定。

    We can't influence the result, so we don't need to worry about it.我们不能影响结果,所以我们不需要担心它。

    To focus, to bring attention to something and make it clear.集中注意力,把注意力集中到某件事上并把它弄清楚。

    If we don't focus on something, we won't get anything done.如果我们不专注于某件事,我们将一事无成。

    We aren't sure what to focus on, so everyone is confused.我们不确定该关注什么,所以每个人都很困惑。

    The problem with that company is that they don't focus enough on improving quality.那家公司的问题是他们没有把足够的精力放在提高质量上。

    To exaggerate, to describe something is larger or more important than it really is.To夸大其词,形容某事比实际情况更大或更重要。

    It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.他说的话很难相信,因为他总是夸大其词。

    She said she could sell anything, but of course that was an exaggeration.她说她什么都能卖,但那当然是夸大其词。

    In my opinion, it's better to exaggerate your skills a bit in an interview rather than be too modest.在我看来,在面试中夸大你的技能比过于谦虚要好。

    I told her toleaveus alone and not tointerferein ourproblems.我告诉她不要打扰我们,不要干涉我们的问题。

    They don't care what we think so it will be difficult to influence their decision.他们不在乎我们怎么想,所以很难影响他们的决定。

    She said she could sell any thing, but of course that was an exaggeration.她说她什么都能卖,但那当然是夸大其词。



        本文标题:英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part4 -Intera
