

作者: 我与春风皆过客 | 来源:发表于2015-01-09 10:20 被阅读673次

University should spend more money supporting social activities rather than improving the food students eat.

The universities' budget can never cover all aspects that need to be improved. There are too many activitiesor renovations that require financial support, some are urgent, some areimportant and others are urgent and important. Since the budget is alwayslimited, the university has to make decision wisely based on various factors.In this passage, I will analyze two factors which I regard as the most important to find out if the university should contribute more money to support social activities than to improve the alimentation.

Whether spending more moneyis the only or the most effective way to make improvement on this aspect wouldbe the first factor to consider. I think, besides increasing budget, universitycould encourage their students to find sponsors and get financial support whenthey organize social activities. For example, if the tennis club wants toorganize a tennis competition but lacks money, it might be possible to solicitfinancial support from a local specialty store of Wilson or other brands byadvertising their tennis-related products in campus. Obviously, there are othersources of fund that can be used for supportment, at least, a part of socialactivities. But as for alimentation, since in most cases the quality of fooddepends on its price, it seems that the university has to spend more money inorder to provide students with better food.

Another factor is priority,that is, which one should be improved first and which one would be the second.When I compare social activities with alimentation, I think the quality of foodis much more important than social activities due to the foundation state ofstudents’ health. Being in the crucial stage of growth, students can beprofoundly influenced by the intake of nutrition. If the food they eat can'toffer sufficient nutrition, they will not have a healthy body to deal with thedaily life, let alone participate in social activities.

These two factors combined toconvince me that university should spend more money improving the food studentseat rather than supporting social activities. On the one hand, it's the onlymethod to improve food's quality; on the other hand, food really matters forstudents' health, which occupies a more important position than socialactivities.


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