Event Queue Pattern 事件队列模式
Intent 意义
Decouple when a message or event is sent from when it is processed.
The Pattern 模式描述
A queue stores a series of notifications or requests in first-in, first-out order. Sending a notification enqueues the request and returns. The request processor then processes items from the queue at a later time. Requests can be handled directly or routed to interested parties. This decouples the sender from the receiver both statically and in time.
When to Use It 使用情形
If you only want to decouple who receives a message from its sender, patterns like Observer and Command will take care of this with less complexity. You only need a queue when you want to decouple something in time.
I mention this in nearly every chapter, but it’s worth emphasizing. Complexity slows you down, so treat simplicity as a precious resource.
I think of it in terms of pushing and pulling. You have some code A that wants another chunk B to do some work. The natural way for A to initiate that is by pushing the request to B.
Meanwhile, the natural way for B to process that request is by pulling it in at a convenient time in its run cycle. When you have a push model on one end and a pull model on the other, you need a buffer between them. That’s what a queue provides that simpler decoupling patterns don’t.
Queues give control to the code that pulls from it — the receiver can delay processing, aggregate requests, or discard them entirely. But queues do this by taking control away from the sender. All the sender can do is throw a request on the queue and hope for the best. This makes queues a poor fit when the sender needs a response.
同时,对B自然的处理方式是在B方便时将请求拉入。当一端有推模型另一端有拉模型时,你就需要在它们间放一个缓冲的区域。 这就是队列比简单的解耦模式多出来的那一部分。
