

作者: 蓝天白云XM | 来源:发表于2024-07-21 15:25 被阅读0次

    Unit 9.  In the park在公园。

    Don't pick the flowers不能摘花

    Careful! Don't stand too close to the swing.小心! 别站在秋千旁边。

    Line up to go on the slide.排队上溜滑梯。

    What a fun ride !  Be careful.骑弹簧木马很好玩,小心点!

    Unit ten  Walking in the park公园散步。

    Look up!  It's a bird,看,上面是只小鸟。

    Look here, It's a butterfly,看这里,是只蝴蝶。

    Oh ,you want to go to sleep? 哦,你想睡了吗?

    Let's go home,那我们回家去。

    Unit 11.  On the slide  溜滑梯。

    Oh, no, there's a baby at the bottom of the slide.哦,溜滑梯下面有个小婴儿。

    Be careful!  You might hit her,小心! 你也许会撞到她!

    Unit 12. on the swing.荡秋千。

    You're swing too high,你荡太高了!

    Slow down,慢下来!

    Come on ,stop that !You might fall off.快点,停下来!你也许会跌下来!

    UNIT13  On the see-saw, 玩跷跷板。

    What are you going to play on first,你要先玩哪一种?

    Oh ,the see-saw.  That's a good idea哦,是跷跷板,好主意。

    Ok, now .What's next?  好,接着玩儿什么?

    The swings or the slide? 是荡秋千还是溜滑梯?

    UNIT14  Playing on the jungle gym.爬方格铁架。

    Do you want to play on the jungle gym?想爬方格铁架吗?

    Watch your head!小心你的头。

    Wow ,you made it to the top.哇!你爬到顶端了。

    Unit 15  That was close  好险!

    Where are you going ,baby?你要去哪儿,宝贝?

    Look out, honey!注意,亲爱的!


    Oh !Dear!  That was close !  天啊,差一点就撞到了!

    Unit 16.  Where is the bathroom找厕所?

    You need to go to the bathroom?你需要去厕所吗?

    Where is the bathroom?厕所在哪里?

    It's over there在那边。

    Let's go,我们走吧。

    UNIT17.  Let's go home回家。

    It's getting late .Let's go home越来越晚了,我们回家吧。

    Don't forget your ball,别忘了你的球。

    Unit 18.  In the bookstore.在书店1。

    Don't run around boys,孩子们,别到处乱跑。

    Shh…Keep your voice down,嘘……小声点。

    Look! I found an interesting book,瞧,我发现了一本有趣的书。

    Unit 19.  In. the bookstore 在书店2。

    This book looks good,这本书看起来不错。

    Do you like this book? 你喜欢这本书吗?

    Ok, Let's buy it!  好,我们买吧!



