作者: 2018827 | 来源:发表于2020-03-10 11:55 被阅读0次

    《绝望的主妇》第一季 第十八集

    □《绝望的主妇》第一季 第十八集Desperate Housewives S01E18

    □《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on Desperate


    □有人吗Is anybody here?

    □这可能会严重影响到我们的声誉There may have been a breakdown

      in our care.

    □你想跟我们私了You trying to buy us off?

    □有时  如果你不够小心Sometimes if you're not careful...

    □有个叫赫尼西的训练营There's this place called Camp


    □我不去这种少年犯才去的愚蠢训练营I'm not going to any stupid camp

      for juvenile delinquents.

    □你没得选You don't have a choice.

    □陈年的错误Past mistakes...

    □我们从洛克华德湖里捞上来We pulled it out of Rockwater


    □我卖掉了好几百只这样的箱子I must have sold several hundred

      of these just like it.

    □我有一份顾客名单I have a list of customers' names on file.

    □就会阴魂不散will come back to haunt you.

    □我不会告诉任何人I won't tell anyone.

    □我会为你保守秘密  爸爸I'll keep your secret, dad.

    □加布丽尔·索利斯There were many things

    □对许多事都确信无疑Gabrielle Solis knew for


    □她确信红色最衬她She knew red was her color.

    □她确信钻石是百搭She knew diamonds went with everything.

    □她确信男人们骨子里都一样And she knew men were all the


    □不过加布丽尔最确信的一件事But the one thing Gabrielle knew

      above all else...

    □就是她永远都不要孩子she would never want children.

    □加布丽尔的不幸在于Unfortunately for Gabrielle,

    □她的丈夫卡洛斯可不这么想her husband Carlos felt


    □我如此幸运能拥有你I'm so lucky to have you.

    □好  我洗耳恭听Ok, I'll bite.

    □为什么你如此幸运Why are you so lucky?


    □我不想要孩子  但你想I don't want to have kids, and

      you do.

    □那个啊Oh, that.

    □绝大部分男人都会因此离开Most men would leave over

      something like that.

    □而你依然在这And you're still here.

    □我很感激  也明白你作出的牺牲I'm grateful. I know the sacrifice you're making.

    □其实我始终抱有一丝希望There's still a part of me

    □你会改变主意that's hoping to change your


    □一旦你有了宝宝Once you had a baby,

    □我想你会很爱他的I think you would love it so

      much that...

    □亲爱的  那是不会发生的Honey, it's not gonna happen.

    □世事难料  不 

      这毋庸置疑You never know. No, sometimes

      you do.

    □这确实是一种牺牲Well, it is a sacrifice.

    □不过为了你值得But you're worth it.

    □是的  加布丽尔·索利斯确信无疑Yes, Gabrielle Solis knew

      without a doubt

    □她不想成为一个母亲she didn't want to be a mother.

    □但她并不知道But what she couldn't know was

    □她丈夫有多想成为一个父亲just how much her husband wanted

      to be a father,

    □也不知道他破坏她的避孕计划or that he'd been tampering with

    □已经数月了her birth control for months...

    □更不知道的是or that within one week's


    □一周之内她就会怀孕she'd be pregnant.

    □周末的紫藤郡是孩子们的天下Saturdays on Wisteria Lane

      belonged to the children,

    □当大多数孩子在做体育运动and while most would spend the

      day practicing their sports...

    □骑自行车and riding their bikes...

    □玩跳绳的时候and jumping their ropes,

    □个别孩子不再沉溺于这些游戏others were no longer engaged in child's play.

    □事实上  这些孩子不得不Indeed, some children were being


    □快快长大  成熟起来to grow up very quickly.

    □抱歉周末还来打扰你Sorry to bother you on the


    □我们有点问题想问你We just have a few questions for


    □关于什么About what?

    □12年前12 years ago,

    □你已故的妻子买过一个玩具箱your late wife purchased a toy chest.

    □玩具箱Toy chest?

    □是  大约这么大 

      上面绘有跳舞的小熊Yeah, it was about this big, had

      little dancing bears on it.

    □上帝  我不知道有这回事Gosh, I'm sorry.

    □制作这种箱子的工匠The craftsman who makes these


    □备了一份客户名单keeps a list of customers.

    □名单显示  你在1992年8月买过一个Apparently, you purchased one in

      august 1992.

    □我们想知道这只箱子现在在哪We'd like to know where that chest is now.

    □我希望能帮上忙Wow, I, uh... I wish I could

      help you.

    □我不记得什么玩具箱I don't recall any toy chest.

    □我记得I remember.

    □上面有小熊和气球  对吧It had little bears and balloons

      on it, right?

    □是的  孩子 

      没错Yes, son, that's right.

    □我们早把它扔了  那时我还很小We threw it away when I was


    □我站在上面把它踩坏了I was standing on it and it busted.

    □有印象吗  爸爸 

      很模糊Remember, dad? Vaguely.

    □那就行  我们知道了I guess that's all, then.

    □耽误二位时间了  谢谢Thank you both for your time.

    □不过这箱子有什么问题吗Hey. What's the deal with this

      chest, anyway?

    □有一只被冲上了火炬湖的岸边One just like you had washed up

      on Torch Lake.

    □里面有个女人  女人Had a woman in it. A woman?

    □她被碎尸了She was all chopped up.

    □显然  我们得谈谈Obviously, we need to talk.

    □你骗了我  你说里面是个男人You lied to me. You said it was

      a man in the box.

    □不  我没骗你No, I didn't lie.

    □警察说是个女人的尸体The policeman said it was a

      woman's body.

    □当然是你在撒谎Of course you were lying.

    □我说过I told you

    □一个私家侦探想把你从我们身边带走a private detective had come to take you away from us.

    □我从没说过那是个男人I never said it was a man.

    □你没说过吗  没有You didn't? No.

    □我以为  别乱想了II thought that... No.

    □等等  请你别说了Stop. Please stop.

    □我知道你在骗我  我知道你在撒谎I know you're lying to me, ok? I

      know that you're lying.

    □我发誓For the last time,

    □是有人想从我们身边带走你someone came and tried to take you away from us.

    □没错  一个女人 

      一个女人来过Yes, a woman. A woman came.

    □没错  她企图偷走你Yes, she tried to steal you

    □从你唯一熟悉的这个家from the only family that you'd

      ever really known.

    □我们不能让它发生  我们也做到了And we couldn't let that happen,

      and we didn't.

    □所以这And that...

    □就是事实...is the truth.

    □我们不能反悔  只剩两天了We can't cancel now. It's two days away.

    □雷克斯  我不会去 

      就这样Rex, I'm not going. That's all

      there is to it.

    □咨询辅导是赫尼西营治疗课程的一部分Counseling is part of the

      treatment at Camp Hennessey.

    □你知道的You knew that.

    □手册里没有说Nowhere in that brochure did it


    □我们也得出席that we were expected to attend.

    □要是你不去  安德鲁会怎么想What's Andrew going to think if

      you don't show up?

    □我准备了这个爱心包裹Well, I am making him this care package.

    □他会明白我在想着他I mean, he'll know that I'm

      thinking about him.

    □你为什么把柠檬小方放进去Why are you putting in lemon


    □他们说了不能给他带甜点They told us not to send him


    □我不明白为什么I don't understand why.

    □我猜是他们觉得妈妈做烤的糕点I guess they feel baked goods

      from mom

    □会削弱训练营地的体验undercut the boot camp


    □好吧  我把它们拿出来Fine, I won't send them,

    □但我认为这是条愚蠢的规定but I think it's a stupid rule.

    □那你去还是不去So are you going to this thing

      or not?

    □不去  为什么No. Why?

    □因为我一到那  安德鲁就会开始Because the minute I get there,

      Andrew will start...

    □责怪我抛弃他...attacking me for abandoning


    □我不想听And I don't want to hear it.

    □你没有理由觉得内疚There's no reason to feel guilty, you know.

    □你为他做了所能做的一切You did everything you could for


    □我没觉得内疚I don't feel guilty.


    □拜托  克里斯蒂Please, Christy.

    □这么晚我找不到别人来做保姆了There's no way I can get another

      babysitter this late in the day.

    □帕克  别弄了 

      不Parker, knock it off. No.

    □因为我要跟以前的同事出去喝两杯Because I'm having drinks with friends I used to work with,

    □我们很久没联络了  如果我放他们鸽子and they never called, and if I

      blow them off,

    □那么  我跟他们就玩完了that's it... I'm dead to them.

    □不  我不能找帕蒂·宾克斯No, I can't call Patty Binks.

    □因为她是个惯偷Because she steals things.

    □该死  克里斯蒂 

      你才13岁Damn it, Christy, you're 13

      years old.

    □你将来还有大把时间可以逛街You got a lot of trips to the

      mall ahead of you.

    □好好  我错了Ok, ok, I'm sorry.

    □抱歉朝你大声嚷嚷I'm sorry I raised my voice.

    □我会冷静I'm calm.

    □是不是钱的问题So I'm starting to think that

      this is about money.

    □多少钱才能请你来呢So what is it that would make it

      worth your while?

    □100块  那简直是敲诈A hundred! That's extortion.

    □没门  我不会There's no way in hell that I'm




    □帕克  再不停手我要打你屁股了Parker, I swear, I will spank

      you. Knock it off.

    □宾克斯夫人  帕蒂在吗 

      谢谢Hi, Mrs. Binks. Is Patty there?

      Thank you.

    □亲爱的  我回来了Hi, honey. I'm back.

    □宝贝儿Hey, sweetie.

    □这位是斯坦伯格先生  医院的律师This is Mr. Steinberg, the

      attorney from the hospital.

    □我们见过吗Oh, have we met?

    □是的  索利斯夫人 

      我们见过Yes, Mrs. Solis. We've met.

    □难道你不记得了Don't you remember?

    □妈妈死后It was after mama died.

    □很明显是医院的失职Apparently the hospital was


    □他们愿意偿付一笔7位数的和解金and agreed to a 7figure

      settlement check,

    □一笔我根本不知道的钱a check I was never told about.

    □那个啊Oh, that.


    □斯坦伯格先生  我正要走Mr. Steinberg... I was just


    □你在想什么  等等 

      听我解释What were you thinking?! Wait,

      just let me explain...

    □不  你居然不告诉我No, why the hell didn't you tell


    □因为我不相信你能做出正确的决定Because I couldn't trust you to

      make the right decision.

    □正确的决定就是用这笔钱去付我的律师费The right decision was to use

      that money for my lawyers!

    □这样就能打赢官司We could have fought the indictment,

    □那我就不用接受认罪协议书and then I wouldn't have had to

      take the plea bargain!

    □如果你不接受认罪协议If you didn't take the plea


    □政府会纠缠不休的the government would have seized

      the settlement.

    □那我们就继续打官司We could have fought that in


    □是  然后你就会把所有的钱都付给律师Exactly,and then you would have

      blown all the money on the lawyers.

    □管他呢Who cares?!

    □只要有机会不用去坐牢If there was a chance didn't have to go to jail.

    □你让老挝的囚犯以每小时You had Laotian convicts

    □两分钱的工钱为你缝制休闲服sewing casual wear for two cents

      an hour.

    □你不觉得你罪有应得吗Don't you think you deserve a


    □8个月  我谢谢你Eight months. Thanks to you,

    □我要坐8个月的牢I'm going away for eight months.

    □等你出来时再谢我And when you get out,

    □多亏了我才有资金东山再起we're going to have money to start over with thanks to me.

    □你冷静下来之后You know, once you calm down,

    □就会认识到我做了正确的决定you're gonna realize I did the

      right thing,

    □到那时  我会欣然接受你的道歉and when that happens, I'd

      appreciate an apology.

    □外婆来了Grandma's here.

    □这下可好Now, that is just perfect.

    □待屋里Stay put.

    □真对不起  妈妈I am so sorry! Hey, mom.

    □苏珊Oh, hey, Susie.

    □我搞砸了  发生什么了I goofed. What happened?

    □你了解我  没有任何距离感Oh, you know me. No depth

      perception whatsoever.

    □真奇怪他们居然肯给我发驾驶执照I'm stunned they even issued me

      a license.

    □你是苏珊的妈妈So, you're Susan's mom.



      你叫什么名字I'm Sophie Bremmer. And you are?

    □麦克·德尔非诺Mike Delfino.

    □你就是麦克  天哪You're Mike?! Oh, my god!

    □苏珊经常说起你Susan's told me so much about


    □别这么站着  来抱一个Well, don't just stand there.

      Give me a hug!

    □妈妈  麦克和我 

      已经分手了Mom. Uh... Mike and I aren't...

      together anymore.

    □对不起Oh! Sorry.

    □看来我把情况搞得很尴尬I guess I just made this pretty awkward, huh?

    □是的  确实如此Yeah, you... You really did.

    □那我们给保险公司打电话吧So let's just call the insurance



    □不管怎样  很高兴见到你 

      麦克Well... It's nice meeting you

      anyway, Mike.

    □我也是  真想不到你居然是苏珊的妈妈You too. I never would've

      guessed you were Susan's mom.

    □我明白  我看起来太年轻了I know. I look too young.

    □我怀孕时才十几岁I got pregnant when I was a tiny teenager.


    □那是我第一次喝醉It was the first time I got

      drunk, ever.

    □难以置信吧  咱们走吧Can you believe it? Let's go.

    □她爸爸是个水兵Her father was a marine.

    □事后  他把他的3枚奖章给了我Afterwards, he gave me three of

      his medals.

    □妈妈  怎么啦Mom! What?

    □我们进去给保险公司打电话吧Let's just go inside and call the insurance company.

    □对Oh, right.

    □你在笑什么What are you smiling about?

    □我以前一直很纳闷I used to have all these

      questions about

    □你为什么会是这样一个人how you got to be the way you


    □现在我完全明白了They were all just answered.

    □有什么事吗What's going on?

    □保姆放我鸽子My babysitter cancelled.

    □勒奈特  我今天真是乱成一团Lynette, I'm so swamped today.

    □家里乱七八糟  还有好多事得做My house is a mess and I've got

      millions of errands to run.

    □先听我说完  这事很重要Please hear me out. This is


    □今天我有个回归社会的机会Today, I have a chance to rejoin

      the human race

    □就几个小时for a few hours.

    □已经有人端着鸡尾酒在等我了There are actual adults waiting

      for me with Margaritas.

    □瞧  我穿了裙子  还化了妆Look, I'm in a dress. I have makeup on.

    □可今天真的不行If it were any other day.

    □看在上帝面上  布里 

      我还穿了连裤袜Oh, for god's sakes, Bree, I'm

      wearing pantyhose.

    □让他们进来吧  非常感谢Bring them in. Thank you, thank


    □你们进去吧Ok, in you go.

    □然后警察就给我看了他的入案照片Then the police showed me his

      mug shot.

    □不会吧  是的No! Yes.

    □麦克因为贩毒和过失杀人蹲过监狱Mike served time for selling drugs and manslaughter.

    □我简直不敢相信  那是真的I can't believe it. Well, it's


    □他那么有风度  你明白吗 

      我明白He has such nice manners. You

      know? I know.

    □苏珊  我不希望你为麦克的事过于烦恼Susie, I don't want you worrying

      too much about this Mike thing.

    □耐心一些  真命天子总会来的The right man will come along.

      Just give it time.

    □要不是因为想到你和莫蒂I think I would have given up


    □我早就彻底死心了if it weren't for you and Morty.

    □莫蒂吗  是啊Morty? Yeah, you know.

    □这已经是你们双方的第三次婚姻It's the third time around for

      both of you

    □你们非常情投意合and you're really clicking.

    □那给了我希望Oh. It gives me hope.

    □怎么啦  没什么What's wrong? Nothing, nothing.


    □我只是  有点累I'm just... I'm tired.

    □你不累  你睡过午觉了 

      怎么啦You're not tired. You took a

      nap. What is it?

    □我离开莫蒂了  什么  为什么I left Morty. What?! Why?

    □因为他推了我Because he shoved me.

    □莫蒂  不可能Morty? No!

    □你以为我在撒谎吗  拜托You think I'm lying? Fine!

    □他为什么要推你  因为我对他直说了Why would he shove you? Because

      I confronted him.

    □他在那该死的煎饼店About how much time he's


    □花了太多时间at that damned pancake


    □假设他真在那的话If that's where he's really been.

    □你一定是在开玩笑  莫蒂Oh, you can't be serious. Morty?

    □你以为他这个年龄的男人就没需求吗You think men his age don't have


    □你真该看看他雇的女招待You should see the waitresses he


    □一年比一年年轻Every year, they get younger and


    □你那么想也许只是因为Maybe you just feel that way


    □你一年比一年老every year you get older and


    □你怎么能这么说  对不起That's a horrible thing to say. I'm sorry.

    □我没那么老  我说了对不起I'm not that old. I said I was


    □人家还以为咱俩是姐妹People think we're sisters.

    □那是因为你对他们这么说That's 'cause you tell them


    □就一次  你得忽略那次One time. You've gotta let go of


    □瞧  我想说的是Ok, look. I am just saying

    □我认为莫蒂不会背叛你that I don't think morty cheated

      on you.

    □他的确推了我Well, he did shove me.

    □你至少该表现得支持我一些And the least you can do is be


    □说得对  没错You're right. You're right.

    □他还朝我扔了本书  拜托He also threw a book at me. Oh,

      come on!

    □我是说  他不该这样I mean... he shouldn't have done


    □谢谢Huh. Thank you.

    □波特  宝贝 

      饼干还是烫的Porter, honey, those cookies are


    □等几分钟我就给你吃  好吗Wait a few minutes and I'll give you one, ok?

    □你们知道吗  如果把颜色涂在边线里You know, pictures are prettier

    □图画会更美if you color inside the lines.

    □好吧  艺术是主观的Well, art is subjective.

    □波特  我说什么来着 

      可我饿了Porter! What did I tell you? But

      I'm hungry.

    □那我先给你Then I will fix you

    □一碗好吃的桃子和脱脂芝士吧a very nice bowl of peaches and

      cottage cheese.

    □不好吃  别耍滑头  小家伙Ew! Barf! Don't be common, young man.

    □来  你要是再拿饼干当玩具Come on. If you play with those

      cookies one more time,

    □我就要打你的屁股I'm gonna have to spank you.

    □我们不会被打屁股  真的吗We don't get spanked. Really?

    □妈妈总是那么说  但从来没打过Mommy always says she's gonna

      but she never does.

    □我可不是你们的妈妈Well, I am not your mommy.

    □如果你们在我家里不乖And if you misbehave in my


    □就要被打屁股you will get spanked.

    □所以乖乖的So be good.

    □我不是故意的  波特 

      我警告过你It was an accident. Porter, I

      warned you.

    □对不起  我会乖乖的I'm sorry. I'll be good.

    □这些饼干是辛辛苦苦做的Those cookies were made from


    □你该挨打了Your fate is sealed.

    □过来Come here.

    □不  不No, no!

    □那是什么What's that?

    □这叫婚后协议It's called a postnuptial


    □是一种法律协议It's a legal document...

    □我知道什么是婚后协议I know what a postnup is.

    □为什么它会出现在我的茶几上What is it doing on my coffee


    □我可以原谅你I can forgive that stunt

    □在和解金上耍的花招you pulled with the settlement check,

    □只要确信我出狱时你还在我身边If I'm sure you'll really be

      around when I get out of jail.

    □婚后协议改变了婚前协议的条款  所以And the postnup changes the

      terms of the prenup, so...

    □所以如果你想趁我不在时跟我离婚So if you try and divorce me

      while I'm gone...

    □你就什么也得不到...you get nothing.

    □你不信任我You don't trust me?

    □恐怕是这样  那可真糟I'm afraid not. Well, that's too


    □因为我不会签Because I'm not signing that piece of paper.

    □你是个很美的女人  加布丽尔You're a very beautiful woman,


    □不过  你不够聪明But... you're not very bright.

    □如果你不签If you don't sign it,

    □我就会取消和解协议  跟你离婚I'll pull the plug on the

      settlement agreement, divorce you,

    □然后你就会分到and then you get what amounts to

    □我们目前存款的一半about 50% of our current


    □金额几乎为零which is basically nothing.

    □那你现在想怎样  卡洛斯So what do you expect to happen

      right now, Carlos?

    □我会签了协议然后跳进你怀里吗I'll sign the paper and jump

      right back into your arms?

    □那不意味着我不爱你It doesn't mean that I don't

      love you.

    □你知道在我心目中你有多么完美You know I think you're the

      perfect woman.

    □但我并不完美  我有缺点Oh, but I'm not. I have flaws.


    □给你举个例吧I'll give you an example.

    □还记得上次你在监狱时Remember the time when you were

      in jail

    □告诉我的秘密隔间and you told me about your

      secret compartment

    □你还让我把里面的文件都烧了吗and you told me to burn the

      papers that I found in there?

    □因为我胸大无脑Well, me being pretty and

      therefore stupid,

    □我给忘了I forgot.

    □你没烧那些文件You didn't burn the papers.

    □更糟  我还看了那些文件Worse. I read them.

    □好  你在开曼群岛开了个秘密账户Ok, ok... You have some nerve

      talking to me about trust

    □还有脸跟我谈什么信任when you have a secret bank

      account in the Cayman Islands!

    □那是我为咱俩准备的安全网  我敢打赌That was a safety net for both

      of us. I'll bet.

    □你没跟别人说起过吧  没有 

      但我能Have you told anyone about this?

      No, but I could.

    □那是不是控方Isn't that why the prosecution

    □没法起诉你的原因didn't have a case against you?

    □他们查不到你赚的钱在哪They couldn't find the profits you made.

    □所以如果我是你  我会绝口不提So if I were you, I wouldn't

      mention the words

    □离婚  信任 

      婚后协议什么的divorce, trust, or postnup ever


    □你别惹我You don't wanna piss me off.

    □我明白  宝贝 

      失去是痛苦的I know, baby. It hurts to lose.

    □预付Ante up.

    □看看我Well, look at me!

    □终于参加了传说中的扑克聚会Finally in on one of your legendary poker parties.

    □苏珊老是跟我说你们玩得多么开心Susan's always telling me how

      much fun you have.

    □规则很简单  我们赌现金The rules are simple. We play

      for cash,

    □庄家选择游戏the dealer picks the game,

    □然后就开始无边无际的闲聊and unsubstantiated gossip is


    □布里  再次感谢你帮忙照看我的孩子Bree, thanks again for watching

      my boys.

    □他们是不是很难管They weren't too much to handle?

    □我们过得很开心We had a wonderful time.

    □不过  波特可能不太开心Although I think Porter had a

      little less fun.

    □好了  我下注了Ok, I'll bet.

    □苏菲So, Sophie,

    □听苏珊说你俩明天要去做水疗Susan says you're going to the

      Spa tomorrow.

    □是一整天的吗Is it an allday thing?

    □波特玩得不尽兴是什么意思What do you mean, Porter had

      less fun?

    □我加注I'll raise.

    □他不听话  所以我惩罚了他He misbehaved, so I had to

      punish him.

    □没错  苏珊说要带我去享受一整天Yes, Susan is treating me to an

      entire day of...

    □你所谓的惩罚  具体指什么When you say punishment, what

      exactly are we talking about?

    □我打了他的屁股Oh, I had to spank him.

    □好了  我也要加注Ok, I will reraise.

    □你居然打我儿子的屁股You spanked my son?

    □微风水疗馆Las Brisas Spa.

    □我们就是要去那里Yup, that's where we're going.

    □这有什么问题吗  勒奈特Lynette, is there a problem?

    □汤姆和我从不打小孩Tom and I don't believe in

      hitting our kids.

    □抱歉  我真的不知道Sorry, I didn't know.

    □不会再发生了It won't happen again.

    □不过你居然都不打他们  让我很吃惊Of course, I'm somewhat

      surprised you don't spank them.

    □大家都知道  小孩子有时会Everybody knows they're a little bit...

    □过于顽皮out of control.

    □我今天好累啊Wow, I am dragging today.

    □我们再煮一壶咖啡吧Shall we put on another pot of


    □我去就行了Yeah, I'll do it.

    □我不跟I'll... I'll fold.

    □没错  布里Yeah, you're right, Bree.

    □在教育孩子的问题上我还有很多要学I've got a lot to learn about parenting.

    □能从你这样贤惠的母亲身上I feel so blessed to be getting

      sage advice

    □学到东西  我感到很荣幸from an impeccable mother like


    □除了安德鲁  你的孩子都很完美Your kids turned out perfect, if

      you don't count Andrew.

    □他到底去哪了Where is he, again?

    □不会是在少年犯劳教所吧Some kind of a boot camp for

      juvenile delinquents?

    □好了  姑娘们Ok, girls.

    □我从来没说过我是完美的I never said I was perfect.

    □亲爱的  没有人责怪你Honey, nobody's blaming you.

    □我就是在责怪她The hell I'm not.


    □不好意思  失陪了If you will excuse me.

    □勒奈特你不去追她回来吗Lynette, will you go after her?

    □她打我儿子She spanked my son.

    □我不会去道歉的I'm not apologizing.

    □平时玩扑克比今天有意思多了Usually, poker is more fun than


    □如果你不站在我这边  我肯定会输的So help me, if you don't back me

      up on this, I will lose it.

    □没错  布里不应该打波特Yes, Bree shouldn't have spanked


    □但是她并没有伤害他But it's not like she hurt him.

    □那不是重点That is not the point.

    □要是你肯定不会打别人家的小孩You don't spank other people's


    □他不听话  她总得做点什么He was misbehaving. She had to do something.

    □可她确实做得有点过分But make no mistake, she

      definitely crossed the line.

    □她太过分了Damn right.

    □她怎么不试试别的方法  比如暂停游戏She could've tried something

      else, like a timeout,

    □或者只是威胁说要打他or she could've simply

      threatened to spank him.

    □是啊  我们用这招就挺管用Yeah, 'cause that works out so

      well when we do it.

    □当然管用  多数时候都管用的It does work. It does work most

      of the time.

    □以前是有用It used to work.

    □可他们已经知道我们只是虚张声势而已They've figured out it's an

      empty threat.

    □他们已经摸透我们的把戏了They're onto us.

    □我妈以前总是狠狠地打我和妹妹My mom used to beat the hell out

      of my sisters and me,

    □我可不会那么做and I won't do it.

    □我不要变成我妈那样I will not become my mother.


    □可孩子们会长大  变得越发聪明But the boys are getting older and smarter.

    □到后来  相信我And eventually, believe me,

    □他们会意识到自己能在数量上压倒我们They'll figure out that they

      outnumber us and then...

    □到那时我们就杯具了we're screwed.


    □麻烦你一下  扎克Excuse me, Zachary.

    □能帮我提下这些袋子吗Would you mind helping me with

      these bags?


      我给你些香蕉面包There's some banana bread in it for you if you do.

    □好的  没问题Uh, yeah, sure.

    □蒂尔曼太太这真好吃  谢谢Mm. This is really good, Mrs.

      Tillman. Thanks a lot.

    □不客气  扎克You're welcome, Zachary.

    □我以前从来没来过胡博太太家I've never been in Mrs. Huber's

      house before.

    □显然你没有错过太多东西Obviously you haven't missed


    □这房子的布置毫无美感This is the place where good

      taste goes to die.

    □那天我听到你跟你爸爸吵架了So, I heard you and your father arguing the other day.

    □家里没什么事吧  没事Everything all right at home?


    □我们偶尔有些小摩擦We just have... problems,


    □我猜你很想念你母亲I bet you miss your mother.

    □如果她活着  家里就不一样了I'm sure things were...

      different when she was alive.

    □她是那么温柔又亲切Such a warm, loving woman.


    □认识我妈妈...knew my mother?

    □很多年以前  在犹他Yup. Years ago, in Utah.

    □我们一起工作过We worked together.

    □我不知道这个  是真的I didn't know that. It's true.

    □其实In fact...

    □告诉你一个秘密...I'll tell you a secret.

    □你很小的时候我就见过你I once met you when you were a

      little baby.


    □扎克  你妈妈拿你当心肝宝贝Your mother loved you so much,


    □在我所记得关于她的事情里Of all the things I remember,

    □这一点记忆犹新I remember that the most.

    □知道我还记得什么吗You wanna know what else I


    □你以前的名字是那么可爱How lovely your original name



    □真是太好了Isn't this nice?

    □就我们两个女生Just the two of us girls hanging


    □一起变得美美的getting pretty.

    □都得感谢你  很荣幸Oh, thank you. My pleasure.

    □我觉得你应该给莫蒂打个电话So, I was thinking maybe you

      should call Morty.

    □总得慢慢化解矛盾吧You know, get started working

      things out?

    □我为什么要跟虐待我的男人复合Why work things out with a man

      who abuses me?

    □别惊讶  我母亲说话比较夸张You don't have to gasp. My mother exaggerates.

    □我不被打到淤青她是不会甘心的She won't be happy till I have


    □别跑题好吗  我是想知道Um, can we just focus? What I

      want to know is,

    □你有没有认真想过have you thought about

    □要是你不回莫蒂身边会怎样what's going to happen if you

      don't go back to Morty?

    □你指是什么What do you mean?

    □你没地方住Well, you don't have a place to


    □不想去工作you don't like to work,

    □又不肯嫁给莫蒂you didn't want to marry Morty

    □那么他不就必给你生活费so he doesn't have to pay you


    □如果你不想回到这个If you don't go back to this man

    □五年来只推过你一下的男人身边who allegedly shoved you once in

      five years,

    □你还有别的选择吗what are your options?

    □我可以跟你一起住啊I thought I could live with you.


    □天哪  你还好吧Oh, god! Are you all right?!

    □走开  太对不起了Get away! I'm so sorry.

    □我刚才被吓到了I was startled.

    □好了  把头抬起来Here, lean your head back.

    □我又没说一直住在那里I'm not saying permanently,

    □只是住几年而已just a couple of years.

    □你把我鼻子踢坏了You broke my nose.

    □不不  只是撞了一下No, it's just banged a little.

    □直到我能自力更生Till I get back on my feet.

    □我们晚点再谈这事好吗Can we talk about this later?

    □要叫救护车吗Should we call 911?

    □只是鼻子出血  她没事It's just a nosebleed. She's


    □我以为你听到会很高兴I thought you'd be excited by

      the idea.

    □我不是不高兴It's not that I'm not excited.

    □苏珊  我不是傻瓜I'm not stupid, Susan.

    □很明显  你不愿意我跟你住It's obvious you don't want me


    □没有  不是这样的 

      别走妈妈No, that's not true! Mom, don't


    □妈  回来Mom, come back!

    □我得去...You know, I need to...

    □你没事了吧  快走吧We're good, right? Just go.

    □你怎么还没换衣服Why aren't you dressed yet?

    □我想挑件安德鲁最喜欢的颜色I wanted to wear Andrew's

      favorite color

    □但是我发现and then I realized that...

    □我不知道他喜欢什么颜色...I don't know what it is.

    □亲爱的  我觉得你去看他Honey, I think the fact you

      decided to come

    □他就应该很开心了at all will make him happy.

    □你喜欢蓝色Yours is blue.

    □丹妮尔喜欢粉色Danielle loves pink.

    □可儿子喜欢什么颜色我完全不知道And I have no idea what my own

      son's favorite color is.

    □我跟你说  这不重要I'm telling you, it doesn't


    □你怎么能这么说How can you say that?

    □这当然重要  布里Of course it matters. Bree...

    □知道这些才算个好母亲That is a good mother.

    □妈妈应该了解孩子的一切Someone who knows their child

      inside and out

    □当他们遇到麻烦的时候so that if they get in trouble,

    □妈妈们才能知道该怎么办they know what to do.

    □我不够了解他I don't know him well enough.

    □你是个好母亲You are a good mother.

    □是棕色  还是绿色 

      我不知道Brown or green? I... just don't


    □我去车里等你I'm gonna wait in the car.

    □你慢慢来  别着急Whenever you're ready.


    □我穿绿色  大家都喜欢绿色I'll go with the green.

      Everybody loves green.

    □我说过了  我是不会签的I told you. I'm not signing


    □我想你会的Oh, I think you are.

    □你要是不签  我就跟你离婚Because if you don't, I will

      divorce you.

    □那么我就去找警察Then I'll go to the police.

    □跟他们说什么And tell them what?

    □说我在开曼群岛There's a secret bank account

    □有个不存在的秘密银行账户吗in the Cayman Islands that no

      longer exists?

    □你把钱挪走了  当然挪走了You moved the money? Of course I

      moved the money.

    □那太危险了That was risky.

    □那些探员都在监视着你呢I mean, the feds are watching

      you right now.

    □我得做点什么I had to do something.

    □这样你才不能把我耍得团团转I couldn't just let you make a

      fool out of me.

    □住手卡洛斯  住手Oh! stop, Carlos, stop it!

    □放我下来  好啊Put me down! Ok.

    □放我下来Put me down!

    □松开我Let me go!

    □住手  你弄疼我了 

      卡洛斯Stop! You're hurting me, Carlos!

    □签名Sign it.

    □签啊Sign it!

    □我知道  宝贝I know, baby.

    □失去的滋味很痛苦It hurts to lose.

    □是范德坎普夫妇吗Mr. and Mrs. Van de Kamp?

    □是的  轮到我们了吗Uh, yes. Is it our turn?

    □是  安德鲁在里面等着 

      不过...Well, uh, sort of. Andrew's

      waiting inside but, uh...

    □怎么了What's wrong?

    □他说如果他母亲在场Well, he said he won't go

      forward with the session if...

    □他就拒绝参加会谈his mother's involved.

    □他只想和他父亲说话He only wants to talk to his


    □我们今天开了200英里的车来这儿We drove 200 miles to be here


    □这简直不可理喻This is unacceptable.

    □我明白你很恼火Yeah, I share your frustration.

    □管他呢  我们回家To hell with him, then. We're

      going home.

    □不要  我不容许他对你如此无礼No. I'm not gonna let him insult

      you like this.

    □他怨我送他来这里He blames me for his being here.

    □怨我做的一切He blames me for everything.

    □何况他说不定没错And he's probably right.

    □就算有错  也是我们俩共同犯的Any mistakes made were made by

      both of us.

    □得有一个人跟他聊聊  看看他好不好One of us should go talk to him,

      see how he is.

    □我没事的I'm OK.

    □你确定吗  确定 

      我没事Are you sure? Yeah, I'm fine.

    □这边走Right this way.

    □妈妈  妈妈Mom! Mom!

    □来了  什么事 

      你们怎么不刷牙I'm coming. What is it? Why

      aren't you guys brushing your teeth?

    □帕克  怎么回事Perk, what happened?

    □波特推我  它就掉进去了Porter pushed me and it fell in.

    □他先推我的  我可以把它冲下去吗He pushed me first. Can I flush


    □不行  我一会儿把它捞出来No, no, I'll fish it out later.

    □今晚就放你一马You're off the hook tonight

    □不过你们俩  赶紧刷牙but not you two, so start


    □普雷斯顿  你没听见吗Preston, did you not hear me?

    □我说快点刷牙I said start brushing your


    □你要干吗What are you doing?

    □你敢扔试试Don't you dare.

    □扔呀  扔呀Do it! Do it!

    □别听他们的Don't listen to them.

    □离马桶远点  我们就相安无事Back away from the toilet and no

      one gets hurt.

    □扔呀  扔呀Do it! Do it!

    □我这回是当真的  不要当耳边风I mean it this time. These are

      not just words.

    □扔呀  扔呀Do it! Do it!

    □你要是扔了  我保证If you do this, so help me...

    □听见自己的声音如此没有份量Hearing the hollowness of her

      own voice,

    □勒奈特意识到是时候先发制人了Lynette realized that it was time to get one step ahead.

    □扔呀  扔呀Do it! Do it!

    □我要带你们去范德坎普太太家I will walk you over to Mrs. Van

      de Kamp's

    □我们都知道她发火时会怎么样and we all know what happens

      when she gets mad.


    □去刷牙  刷刷干净 

      快点Go brush your teeth. I want 'em

      to sparkle. Go on.

    □真遗憾你又得把你儿子送来Sorry you had to bring your kid


    □这次又怎么了What happened this time?

    □几个月前A couple of months back,

    □我抓到图格翻我的钱包I caught Tug going through my


    □我最讨厌他们做这种事Oh, I hate when they do that.

    □他是在找烟还是钱Was he looking for weed or


    □现在谁还知道Who knows at this point?

    □我那天喝多了  事情一发不可收拾Anyway, I'd knocked a couple

      back and things got heated.

    □没过多久  我们就开始大声对骂Pretty soon we're both screaming,

    □在房间里互摔东西throwing stuff round the


    □接着  楼上的小姐报了警Next thing you kown, lady

      upstairs calls the cops.

    □行了  让我歇歇Oh, give me a break.

    □所以  现在有个社工So, now I got some social worker

    □想教我怎么养我儿子trying to tell me how to raise

      my boy.

    □小孩  尤其是男孩 

      要是早知如此Kids! boy, if I knew then what I

      know now,

    □我20年前就该把子宫切除了I would've had that hysterectomy 20 years ago.

    □布里  别起来 

      我说完就走Uh, Bree... Don't get up. I'll

      be quick.

    □安德鲁  任何父母为了让自己孩子Andrew, all any parent can do is

      provide their child

    □人生有所建树  所能提供的东西with the tools to succeed in


    □包括教育  爱 

      整洁安全的家Education, love, a good clean,

      safe home.

    □我都给你了  我受够了对你充满负罪感I've given you those things and

      I'm through feeling guilty.

    □你要是想自暴自弃If you wanna piss your life away

    □还怪罪到家人  随便你and blame it on how horrible things are at home, go ahead.

    □我是个好母亲  我尽责了But I want it stated for the


    □别破坏我的名声  你听到了没that I'm a good mother. Do you

      hear me?

    □我是个好母亲I am a good mother.


    □安德鲁刚跟我说他觉得他可能是同志Andrew just told me he thinks he

      might be gay.


    □所以他才想让我先进来That's why he wanted me to come in first.

    □他觉得我更容易接受He thought I could take it


    □他想得没错  我在车里等着Well, he was right. I will be

      waiting in the car.

    □索利斯夫人  你来这儿干什么Mrs. Solis. What are you doing


    □没事吧  你室友在吗Ok. Are your roommates here?


    □你没事吧  没有Are you ok? Yeah.

    □这怎么回事  这是...What's this? That? Uh...

    □卡洛斯有点粗暴  逼我签一些文件Carlos just got a little rough.

      Made me sign some papers.

    □他竟然伤害你He hurt you?

    □你要干什么  交给我处理What are you doing? I'll take

      care of this.

    □你什么也别做  不能就这么放过他You are not gonna do anything.

      We can't let him get away with it.

    □要是你真的想报复他  吻我Look, if you really wanna get

      back at him, then kiss me.

    □这有什么用  因为...How's that gonna help?


    □有一天时机成熟的时候one day when the time is right,

    □我会告诉他  他是怎么把我推进你怀里的I'm gonna tell him how he drove

      me right into your arms.

    □那会气死他的And that's gonna kill him.

    □今夜  怎么都行And tonight, just... whatever

      you do,

    □唯独别夸我漂亮don't call me beautiful.

    □莫蒂  看看谁来了Oh, Morty, look who's here.

    □米莉  莫蒂Hey, Millie. Hi, Morty.

    □苏珊  什么风把你吹来了Susie, what brings you here?

    □我妈  我把她带来了Mom. I brought her over.

    □她在外面待着干什么What's she doing out there?

    □她说你不出去和她道歉的话  她就不进来She says she won't come in until

      you apologize to her.

    □为什么道歉  因为你推她For what? For shoving her.

    □她不停打我  我才推她的I only shoved her because she

      wouldn't stop hitting me.

    □她为什么要打你Why was she hitting you?

    □我朝她  扔了本书I threw a... I threw a book at her.

    □莫蒂  只是本平装书Morty! It was a paperback.

    □就算这样  而且我没打中Well, even so! At least I


    □而她直接对着我肚子打I mean, she... she hit me square

      in the gut.

    □你要看看淤青吗  不 

      不用了Wanna see the bruise? That's ok.

      That's ok.

    □很疼的  我懂It really hurt. Yeah, I



    □你能不能就出去道个歉Could you, uh, just go out and apologize?

    □不能  为什么No. Why?

    □因为我不想挽回她了  莫蒂cause I don't want her back.


    □我是爱她Look, I love her,

    □但这个烤饼屋正开始蒸蒸日上but the pancake shack is just

      starting to take off.

    □我们还商量着再开一家We're talking about opening

      another one.

    □实际上就是连锁店That's practically a chain.

    □我没精力跟她胡闹I don't have time for her hysterics.

    □我深表同情  真的I sympathize, I really do.

    □可你一定要把她接走  为什么But you have to take her back.


    □因为她想要搬来和我住Because she wants to move in

      with me.

    □我还想再谈恋爱I'd like to have a relationship


    □以我的年龄  还带着小孩and at my age, with a kid,

    □要是她搬到我家if she moves into my house,

    □就算只有几年  我也没戏了even for a couple of years, I'm doomed.

    □不是有个水管工吗Wasn't there a plumber?

    □你妈妈说你爱上了一个水管工Your mother said you were in

      love with a plumber.

    □是的  我是说 

      我曾爱过I am. I mean, I was.

    □但我们吹了  很抱歉It didn't work out. I'm sorry.

    □要是她搬进来If she moves in,

    □她会把我逼得喘不过气来  我受不了she will burn up all my oxygen

      and I need it.

    □求你  不能再给她一次机会吗Please, can't you give her another chance?

    □当你们不打架的时候You guys are really good

      together, you know?

    □你们俩在一起很甜蜜When you're... when, when, when

      there's no violence.

    □我们之间确实很有火花Well, we do have chemistry.


    □而且性生活也  棒极了And, you know, the sex was

      like... Wow!

    □有那么一次I mean, there was this one time,

    □我们正在回家的高速公路上we were coming home on the interstate...

    □你不用跟我说  去跟她说You don't have to sell me. Just

      go talk to her.



    □真是大大松了口气啊That was a mighty big sigh.

    □我忍不住想过迟早有这天  而我又无计可施I just keep thinking it's

      coming, and I can't stop it.

    □哪一天What's that?

    □我妈妈需要搬来和我住的那一天The day my mother will need to move in

    □而我别无选择and I won't have a choice.

    □我知道这是很多年后的事I know it's years away.

    □她还很年轻有活力  谢天谢地She's youthful and vibrant,

      thank god.

    □但时光飞逝But time flies.

    □总有一天她会照顾不了她自己One day she won't be able to

      take care of herself anymore.

    □然后我就得接手  没错And I'll have to step up. I

      suppose that's true.

    □我觉得这是老天开的玩笑I think it's nature's little joke,

    □孩子最终得反过来抚养父母that children ultimately end up

      parenting their parents.

    □等那一天来临的时候  我会全力以赴Well, when that day comes, I'll

      be ready.

    □宝贝  你最好出去看看Honey, you'd better get out


    □住手Stop it! Aaagh!

    □你们在干什么What are you doing?

    □波特说他抓不住我Porter says he can't catch me!

    □我想要向你道歉Look, I just wanted to apologize...

    □勒奈特  不需要Lynette, don't.

    □你从对面走过来The fact that you just crossed

      that street

    □对我来说就足够了means the world to me.

    □如果有人需要道歉的话  那该是我And if anyone here should

      apologize, it's me.

    □谢谢Thank you.

    □看样子汤姆制住这群臭小子了Looks like Tom's got the mob

      under control.

    □想不想过来喝杯咖啡  坐坐Wanna have some coffee, sit around,

    □为孩子的事儿发发牢骚bitch about our kids...?

    □我乐意之至  那好I would love to. Ok.

    □孩子带着各自的使命来到这个世界Children come into the world

      with their own agendas.

    □有的为了点亮了我们生活Some to brighten our days.

    □有的为了考验我们耐心Some to test our patience.

    □有的为了给我们目标Some to give us purpose.

    □有的为了照顾我们Some to take care of us.

    □没错  当他们降生时Yes, when they come,

    □一切就不一样了children change everything.

    □尤其在他们不期而至之时Especially when they're not




