DAY10-Weekly Note

DAY10-Weekly Note

作者: Delephinecho | 来源:发表于2017-12-17 20:54 被阅读0次





    可是这样的王临川,也是一意孤行地想改变北宋积贫积弱局面却毁誉参半的“拗相公”。我明白读古代诗歌尤忌想当然,大部分诗人的另一重身份都是宦海沉浮的官员,一生境遇远没有文学作品描摹得那样美好。只是无端觉得很感慨,王安石无疑是天纵英才——他和三苏、欧阳修都名列“唐宋八大家”,但是当他拼命提醒自己不要做“伤仲永”时,却走向了另一个极端。很少有人能有如此强大的心理素质以一己之力对抗天下,对抗文武百官的口诛笔伐,即使他的身后有皇帝。真是个非常奇怪的人,但是又不得不给予一些怜悯,毕竟要说祸乱朝纲,王安石绝对不是宋朝名单上的祸首,更不用提中国历朝历代的奸臣们。怜悯之情最盛之时出现在第九章最后一句话——"Years later, he was seen in the Nanking countryside, riding his donkey and mumbling to himself." 虽然神宗保留他最高的官衔荣耀,使他晚年衣食无忧,但对王安石来说,变法失败、壮志未酬,就是悲剧,即使这是他一手促成的。而这场悲剧,连带着一个朝代都要跟着付出代价。


Central Questions

What kind of person Wang Anshih was and how did the "bull-headed" premier earn this nickname? What did he do for Sung dynasty and frighten the entire court?

    Wang Anshih was an industrious scholar, extraordinary in mind and finance, but he was a impractical idealist with negligence of food and external look. He was known for his extremely stubborn character and banished censors whoever opposed him during his premier regime.

    Wang Anshih implemented the farmer’s loan policy and had emperor backed up. But he frightened the entire court by this over-ambitious economics plans and policies, also his arbitrary habit of cashiering and banishing all censors who criticized him. Therefore, all officialdom was dismayed and friends began to desert him.

    Al last, after Huiching’s turncoat tactic and his son’s death, Wang thoroughly disillusioned politically and about human life in general, he felt tired and retired from his office in October 1076.

Additional Question

Why I joined an English reading club?

    Mainly because I major in English and have a reading task this term which is a reading report on an English book. Also, I am a big fan of Chinese traditional culture. It is incumbent upon me to read some books about ancient China written in English. And Lin’s work The Gay Genius was a perfect choice. Thus, I can learn plenty of expressions about how to introduce and depict Chinese ancient culture and poems.



      本文标题:DAY10-Weekly Note
