A boy was hunting locusts on a wall and had already caught a great number of them when he spied a scorpion and mistook it for another locust.Just as he was cupping his hand to catch it,the scorpion lifted up its sting and said,"Just you try,and you'll not only lose me but all your locusts in the bargain!"

locust[ˈləʊkəst] n.蝗虫,蚱蜢
spied[spaɪd] vt.看见,发现( spy的过去式和过去分词 )
scorpion[ˈskɔ:piən] n.蝎子
cup vt.使(手)窝成杯状
sting[stɪŋ] n.(某些昆虫的)毒刺