

作者: 大汪小喵 | 来源:发表于2021-09-29 08:44 被阅读0次

    新闻原文链接:(摘自China Daily)


    新闻原句:Guangdong province has introduced staggered peak power consumption rules to ease the heavy pressure on electricity supply — which has brought shortages — and to help ensure the safe operation of the power grid. Priority will be given to residential power consumers and the province's service industries.

    翻译:   广东省出台了错峰用电规则,以缓解供电压力过大带来的电力短缺,保证电网安全运行。优先考虑居民用电消费者和省内(公众)服务领域。


    1. staggered a. 错列的

    英文解释:  To stagger things such as people's holiday or hours of work means to arrange them so that they do not all happen at the same time. 

    例句: During the past few years the university has staggered the summer holiday periods for students.

    翻译: 在过去几年里该大学已经把学生的暑假时间错开了。

    说说: "stagger"做动词时,为“步履蹒跚”之意,“踉跄”之意,有危机感。

    例句: US COVID-19-related deaths on Monday surpassed 675,000, the estimated US fatalities from the 1918 influenza pandemic, while battles over vaccines and masks continue as the country staggers into the 19th month of the pandemic.


    生词: surpass v.超过; fatalities n.意外的死亡事故; influenza pandemic  流感大流行。

    2. peak power consumption 电力峰值功耗

    3. ensure v.确保

    经常性搭配: ensure safety 确保安全

    例句: By achieving moderate prosperity in all respects, China has better ensured the economic and political rights of its people.

    翻译: 全面建成小康社会,中国更好地保障了人民的经济和政治权利。

    生词: moderate prosperity 小康社会。

    4. power grid 电网

    5. priority n.优先权

    经常性搭配: give priority to 优先考虑;high priority 高优先级

    例句: *** reiterated on Wednesday the importance of giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, enabling their quicker modernization and continuously lifting the living standards of farmers.

    翻译: * * * 周三重申优先发展农业和农村地区的重要性,使其更快实现现代化,不断提高农民的生活水平。

    生词: reiterate 重申; lift the living standards 提高生活水平

    6. residential power consumer 居民用电消费者




