200320《Marva Collins' Way》02

200320《Marva Collins' Way》02

作者: 7c6daa060626 | 来源:发表于2020-03-20 16:50 被阅读0次

    今天看chapter 1,讲了开学第一天发生的故事。

    Freddie Harris九岁了,他在马文老师班上读二年级。因为一直都是个trouble-maker,校长决定给他最后一次机会,如果再犯错就把他开除。他巴不得早点离开学校呢然后在街上闲逛做他想做的事。

    开学第一天他穿着夹克衫(天气很热),Marva走到他面前想让他脱掉,意料中的不配合而且还很挑衅地握紧拳头。但是,最后他决定相信老师一次’cause she sure was different from all the other teachers he had messed with and ‘cause it seemed like he was getting nowhere by acing up, at least, not for now.


    “You are so veryangry, ” she murmured gently, “but I know you’re not angry with me, because I haven’t done anything to you. We all have a good me and a bad me inside us, andI know that you have a good you. Will you help me find it? I’m your friend andI’m going to help you all the time and I’m going to love you all the time. Ilove you already, and I’m going to love you even when you don’t love yourself.”

    开学第一天,Marva就给学生讲爱默生的Self Reliance,告诉他们要相信自己。而且从第一天起她就告诉学生,学校的功课不简单,相反他们要付出努力。

    Well, do not expect to do baby work in here. School can teach you how to lead a good life. We all come here to make. And the knowledge youput in your heads is going to save whom? You, not me.

    Marva从各个角度来鼓励学生,她会用不同的语言说“Very good” 来鼓励学生的每一个小进步。正如这本书所说,What she did was brainwash them into succeeding. She was forever saying “You can do it,” convincing her students there wasn’t anything they could not do. 她也向学生表明自己love them, care about them. 你可以付钱让别人teach,但你不能让别人care。

    对学生有高期待,“ you must help me to help you. If you don’t give anything, don’t expect anything. Success is not coming to you, you must come to it.”

    里面还有一个场景很打动我,就是鼓励学生大声回答问题,她是这样说的:When youwhisper, it means ‘I don’t like myself. I don’t believe what I say.’ What yousay is important. Each of you is the most important child in the world. 联想到积极心理学里说的,我们的行为会影响我们的自我认知。任何时候都要正直、诚实、相信自己,只有当我们重视自己外界才会注意我们。

    From the firs day of class, Mrava was teachng that self-respect is the most important thing a person can have. 认识到这一点对我有非常重要的意义。


    1.cupped his face in her hands用手托住他的脸

    2.caress  (= touch gently) his  face

    3.feigning a swoon假装晕厥. "Oh, I just can’t stand it. You’re all so bright. You’re all so sagacious[sə'ɡeɪʃəs]. Sagacious means smart and wise. What does sagaciou mean, children?"




          本文标题:200320《Marva Collins' Way》02
