The Aircraft IndustryPlane Trut

The Aircraft IndustryPlane Trut

作者: Run_or_run_away | 来源:发表于2019-05-26 09:02 被阅读0次

When a Boeing 737 max 8 crashed near Addis Ababa after take-off on March 10th,157 people lost their lives. It did not take long for the human tragedy to raise questions about what went wrong. That has fed a crisis of trust in Boeing and in the FAA, the American regulator which, even as its counterparts grounded the max 8, left it flying for three days before President Donald Trump stepped in, suspending all max planes.

Mr Trump noted that Boeing was “an incredible company”. In fact the crash is a warning. After a 20-year boom, one of the West’s most sophisticated industries faces a difficult future.

3月10日,一架波音737 max8起飞后,在亚的斯亚贝巴(埃塞俄比亚首都)附近坠毁,机上157人遇难。悲剧发生后不久,人们开始追问事故原因。从而酝酿出一场对波音和联邦航空管理局FAA的信任危机,即使在别国空管部门(同行)都停飞max8时,FAA,(美国的飞机监管机构)依然任由(还允许)该机型运营,直到三天后美国总统特朗普介入,暂停所有max系列飞机执飞(执飞是行业用语)。


The max 8 is one of Boeing’s most advanced models. Until this week it has been a commercial triumph, with 370 in operation and 4,700 more on order. The 737 series makes up a third of Boeing’s profits and most of its order book. That performance caps an extraordinary two decades for the Boeing and Airbus duopoly, as a growing global middle class has taken to the air. Over 21,000 aircraft are in use; a new plane is delivered every five hours. Boeing has slimmed down its supply chain and Airbus has asserted its independence from European governments. That has led to a shareholder bonanza. Their combined market value of $310bn is six times bigger than in 2000. And their overall safety record has been good, with one fatal accident per 2.5m flights last year.


This week’s crash foreshadows the end of that golden age. Another max 8 crashed in October in Indonesia in similar circumstances. Although investigators have yet to determine the cause of the Ethiopian Airlines accident, regulators suspect that the max 8 has a design flaw.


This plays into the worry that a new technological phase is under way. Aircraft are becoming autonomous, as computers take charge. This promises safer, more efficient flying, but the interaction between human pilots and machines is still unpredictable and experimental. In the Indonesian crash the pilots fought a losing battle against anti-stalling software that forced the plane’s nose down at least 20 times.


The industry’s technical complexity is amplified by its organizational complexity. In the 1990s a few Western airlines dominated and a handful of regulators had global clout. Now there are hundreds of airlines and 290,000 pilots worldwide. In 2018, for the first time, less than half of the global fleet was based in the West. Maintaining common standards on training and procedures is harder. China and other countries want a bigger say. The credibility of American regulators has slipped because they have let domestic competition decline. This suggests they are cosy with industry.

在航空业,技术难题已经令人头痛,而组织复杂度令问题难上加难。20世纪90年代,极少数西方航空公司占据主导,全球具有影响力的航空监管机构也凤毛麟角。如今,全球有成千上百家航空公司和29万飞行员。2018年,西方飞机的全球占比首次跌破一半。飞机驾驶培训及训练很难形成统一的标准。中国及其他国家希望有更多的发言权。由于美国监管机构对两大巨头的垄断听之任之,安于现状,导致其公信力也随之江河日下。Then comes geopolitic. With their hubs in Seattle and Toulouse, Boeing and Airbus are among the West’s largest exporters and a rare example of an industry in which China cannot compete. It would be depressing, but not impossible, if safety decisions were influenced by trade tensions. Over time, China and India may insist that the duopoly make more aircraft within their borders, to capture more jobs and intellectual property. That could require a restructuring of how both firms manufacture. Rows over aircraft emissions will further complicate the debate.


Neither Boeing nor Airbus is about to go bust. Any flaw in the max 8 will probably be resolved, as battery problems in the 787 Dreamliner were in 2013. Boeing has $12.7bn of cash and bank lines to cushion it from the reputational crisis. Both firms are ultimately backed by governments. In any case, demand for planes will grow. But ahead lie environmental and technological uncertainty, organisational complexity and geopolitical tension. The years of bumper margins may be over.




      本文标题:The Aircraft IndustryPlane Trut
