真人版《花木兰》自筹备起便吸引了众多关注,单是跨越五大洲敲定女主角人选就吊足了观众的胃口。最终,“神仙姐姐”刘亦菲脱颖而出,拿下了这个巾帼英雄的角色。北京时间 7 月 8 日,迪士尼发布了这部电影的首支预告片。片中,无论是一闪而过的福建土楼,还是英姿飒爽的高难度打戏,每一帧画面都引起了全球观众的热议。
# Watch the thrilling teaser for Disney’s live-action Mulan remake
Disney released the first teaser for director Niki Caro’s upcoming live-action remake of the 1998 animated film Mulan on Sunday. So far, so typical for the studio behemoth, which rarely misses a marketing trick. But this time there’s a twist, because the live-action Mulan has a surprising advantage over the rest of Disney’s live-action remakes: It looks good.
迪士尼在周日放出了即将上映的真人版电影《花木兰》的第一支预告片。这部电影翻拍自 1998 年的动画片《花木兰》,导演是妮基·卡罗。目前为止,对于这家极少放过任何一个营销机会的电影制作巨头来说,这样的做法再典型不过了。但这一次情况有所不同,因为相较于其他的迪士尼真人翻拍电影,真人版《花木兰》有一个出人意料的优势:它看起来不错。
First of all, this is a spectacularly well-made trailer. The opening is not that different from most trailers. But after that first fade to black, we get something that probably won’t be in the theatrical version of Mulan: a montage.
The gradually-accelerating action sequence montage is a trailer cliché, but this is executed flawlessly, down to the little “It is my duty to fight” epilogue slowing the pace as efficiently as a brake run on Space Mountain to give the audience time to catch its breath before the title. It’s a spectacular trailer for what looks like it might be a good movie.
Mulan is a story with set pieces that are better suited to live-action than animation, and a heroine whose feats are more impressive if we see an actual human body performing them, whatever wires or special effects are involved behind the scenes. This feels less like Disney’s other cash grabs and more like a story finally landing in the appropriate medium.