Good night. See you tomorrow. 明天见 晚安
My girlfriend always complains . According to her, I shou...
最近在看《Half Girlfriend》这本书,看的进度有点慢,现在才看到大约1半的进度,还有约100页没有看完...
爱总是很难说出口,真希望换个方式认识你。 在应召女友这部剧中,Anna与Erica的故事似乎让人捉摸不透,她们的每...
(Melanie is driving with her girlfriend,Amelia) (They are...
Dont you want a girlfriend hot like me?
Five inspirationaldialogues from 《UNCLE DREW》 1. (篮球是...
— — 读《Half Girlfriend》涉及情节透露 电视剧《我的前半生》里,贺涵面对不安的唐晶给出了他求婚的...
我想转过头不看北方而一路向南,一刹那,那一颗泪顺着脸颊转了方向向耳朵下面划去了。 我走了很久,最后听着邓紫棋的《泡...
the book which i had read a few months is close to 80% .i...