
- 对于一个管理者来说,最难的也是最有价值的事情就是:做决定。 做决定,去计划,实现它。 和公司不同部门和自己团队协作让我感到快乐。
- 站在讲台上,最重要的是:自信,你带给大家的内容,还有你的真诚。 这些远远大于演讲技巧。我最不后悔的事情:我教了100多小孩子,他们让我又爱又恨。
- 有趣一点,有趣一点,一切都会好起来。 在教了好多次幽默演讲之后,我终于有了一点点幽默感,这也是今年的收获。
啰嗦半天,祝福来了: 希望你2020做正确的决定,不论多难; 不要紧张的出汗,困难像个小孩子,也许只是给你开玩笑;
最后,快乐而有乐趣。 这是生活的礼物,也是我的祝福!

Last day of year2019 is extremely relaxing, as Project milestone (P7-busiess launch) reached yesterday at 10:00pm.
Take one minute meditation, and so many things in year2019 like a fully loaded fast train flashed across my head, those are the high-light moments of year: 1000+ work meetings day in and day out; 900KM total running distance ( Including 1 Marathon and 1 half-marathon), 500+ adults & 100+ Kids taught by me in business presentation & public speaking, and 50+ basketball playing..
Behind those dry data, I experienced and learnt again for the year as following:
- Most difficult thing and valuable thing for leader is to make decision, make plan and make it. Really enjoyed the team work and strong support from team members.
We are rowing a boat with all our hands: tiring, thrilling and striving for better.
- When on the stage teaching / presenting: Confidence, Content and Connection with audience are more important than speech skills.
The least regretful thing in my life is teaching kids . As they can make me feel the worst and the best as the same time. ( They make me sweat, as if I was in gym. )
- Have fun, have fun, and everything will be fine : after teaching several rounds of humorous speech, I got a bit humor from the world. That is the fruit of the year.
So, if you want to pickup some skill, the best method : Teach it..
Someone said, time is equally precious, no matter it’s last day of year2019 or 1st day of year2020. I partially agree.
As I don’t have business meetings this week, and spare me some time to type this new year greeting to all of you..
SO, here is my wishes : In year2020, Make right decision, hard as it is, but you need to make it. Don’t sweat! Relax, when facing difficult. ( sometimes, difficulty like kids, kidding you). And finally have Fun at least!! That is the gift from life, and wish from me. (Above is Chinese version)