Begin again

作者: Miracle_Xu | 来源:发表于2016-09-24 17:26 被阅读18次

A higher place - Adam


JohnCarney is the director of the film Begin Again,it’s necessary to be mentionedthat he used to be a bass player in a rock band.So he chose music as the mainline of the story.The film was first showed in July,2014,in US.Keira Knightleyplayed a talented girl called Greta but abanded by his boyfriend who becamefamous overnight.Mark Ruffalo played a middle-aged man called Dan who wasbetrayed by his wife and was fired by his partner.The story goes as follows:

Greta gave up her all and went to New York City with her boyfriend Dave for his music dream and their love dream.Withhis reputation arising,Dave changed.Dave fell in love with another girl andcreated a new song for her.Greta found that and broke up with Dave.Then she metDan who was in a terrible situation as hers.Dan appreciated Greta’s gift ofmusic and decided to help her make a record.They formed a new band with somemembers who are excellent but not famous.The boat on the river,the subwaystation and top of the Empire State Building and such places are all their studios.Duringthis period,Dave regretted and wanted to get Greta back.Dan rebuilt a goodrelationship with his daughter.Finally they recorded a wonderful album anddecided to sell it online just for 1$ per album.At the end of the film,Danreturned to his family.Greta went to Dave’s concert and saw his regret in hissong Lost Stars,but she still decided to leave him because her love and hermusic must be pure.

The film Begin Again tells us a storyof chasing dream for music.Two frustrated person met by coincidence.They becamepartner because their common interest of music.They don’t have much money.Theydon’t have good instruments and even a studio.A group of members who are notfamous.Fortunately,they have the same persistence for their music dream andtalent. So they played music outside.They recorded their album everywhere theyenjoyed.Finally they made a perfect album.

Greta is a girl who are really pure forher favorite music and her love.She didn’t mean to create songs which are sopopular that she can get much profit on them.This is also the reason why shedecided to sell her album online but not by a record company.As for herlove,she can abandon everything for Dave.But when she knew he betrayed her,sheleft him firmly even though she still loved him.She can’t forgave himanymore.Because the love she wanted is pure.

Along the period they recorded the newalbum,Dan found her talent for music and rebuilt the relation with herdaughter.He also recalled the happy time he spent with his ex-wife.He forgaveher and returned to his family again.

So Begin Again,they can both find theirnew start.Why cann’t we?


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