Presence doesn’t simply mean you fill a seat at the table. For ideation to work, every participant has to be mentally present and in the moment. Perhaps that phrase has become a bit clichéd, but it does address a real solution to a very common problem. A basic pitfall of human communication is that we think about what we’re going to say next as opposed to being focused on what’s being said in the moment and then reacting honestly. This leads to the strong probability that we will miss content and subtext being communicated to us because we’re too busy thinking ahead rather than thinking in the present. A brainstorming session requires that participants speak and listen in the moment, free of distraction.
This starts from the top down. In my experience nothing is more deadly to ideation than a distracted leader. If the person ostensibly running a brainstorming session doesn’t seem willing to commit to it, then why in the world would anyone else in the room be willing to commit themselves? Cognitive psychologists tell us that our bodies send out messages all the time.7 If a leader has arms crossed in a defensive bit of body language, or keeps looking at a watch or a phone,the message being sent is that the leader would rather be somewhere else. Why shouldn’t the rest of the team feel the same way?
The enlightened leader understands that a huge part of the leadership role is to actively acknowledge that this session is happening here and now with this team and with this particular task at hand. The effective leader must be able to make a conscious effort to focus on nothing other than what is happening right here, right now. This skill can be developed in the same way that one might work a muscle group: as a conscious effort to focus is made more and more often, less effort is required and one’s focus becomes sharper. A good workplace habit is created.
For members of a brainstorming team, being in the moment means being ready to participate fully. At a nuts-and-bolts level this means banning the external distractions of technology from the rooms—no smartphones, iPads, or laptops. The only databases in the room are a bunch of human brains. Internal personal distractions should be set aside as well.
Before a leader or member heads into a session, it’s remarkably helpful to take one or two minutes to get one’s head in the right space (game state) and make the conscious decision to be a productive part of the team. People get flustered and frustrated for all kinds of reasons in the workplace; however, it’s self-defeating to carry a headful of problems into a meeting that’s not designated for solving those problems.
Once a brainstorming session is underway, it is important to stay in the moment. Everyone in the room needs to maintain a productive level of energy and a positive attitude. Don’t forget that energy and attitude are choices. It’s okay to feel tired or to be caught in your head or even be negative sometimes. However, it is dangerous to assume that you are not affecting people negatively. If every team member makes the choice to affect the session and the people in the session in a positive way, the stage is set for a great, productive meeting. People can certainly have natural dips in energy and attitude, and no workplace can expect everyone to be a high-energy Uncle Smiles all the time. However, it is also unfair to play the part of Aunty Poopy-Panty every single meeting. The point is to accept that you can make the choice to affect energy and attitude in any direction you want.