1.22 杂记

1.22 杂记

作者: WW2021 | 来源:发表于2018-01-22 14:32 被阅读0次

    1. 公司 Big guy的分享

    公司CTO, 分享其最近的阅读,应该不涉及到保密,所以可以公布下。

    Rise of the Super App (Video) – 12-minute talk form Connie Chan, an analyst at Andreesen-Horowitz that focuses on surfacing trends from Chinese consumer apps for western tech companies

    看了这个视频,或许很多事情歪果仁不能理解,对于我们是原生的东西, 对于他们来说却要拿来分析,比如视频中提到的, big app 只说,利索当然, 对于我,不希望下载那么多的APP,很简单的事情,不至于一个功能一个APP吧,真的应该是why not? 便利之处不仅仅是视频中的提到的类似home page 的app 选择,更多时候是共享了用户,从而共享登录。

    或许 (仅仅是我自己的理解)他们不知道某个成功的APP之后,我们会有一个他们目前没有的产品运营团队,积累的竞争环境滋生了运营这个职业,他们更多时候是更加主动的分析用户心理,分析用户数据,为什么京东会有游戏的背后会有一个大的运营系统,他们不知道我们通过这个活动要得到什么,或许这个是歪果仁不能学,也或许不会学的东西吧。

    Competing with BigCo: 2018 edition – 20-minute+ read by Steven Sinofsky, who used to run Office and Windows for Microsoft. Very dense, but great insights on the opportunities and abilities to disrupt large incumbents who have benefits of scale. I thought about this on both sides of our Netflix vs Blockbuster parable that I shared at the company update, with small startups seeing Skyscanner as the BigCo, as well as our aspirations to grow 10x and disrupt the larger incumbents.


    The Submarine – This is an old article (12+ years), but Gareth pointed me in this direction as I was learning more of the history lessons of PR as an early strategy for Skyscanner. I’d file this under the oldie, but goodie category.


    AI to change seasons and time of day in photos – For the more adventurous readers, here’s the the academic paper. For the rest of us like me that couldn’t get through the academic one, the main link is an accessible synthesis. The daily / weekly / monthly progression of computer vision and AI continues to wow me on a regular basis.

    很好玩的技术,似乎国内app还么有支持,缺乏想象力的我 能想到的应用场景或许就是cheat下?



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