install plymouth

install plymouth

作者: Joe_WQ | 来源:发表于2018-12-09 14:18 被阅读0次

date: 2017-4-9

  1. To make Plymouth work:
    1.1. Add "plymouth" to HOOKS after "base" and "udev" in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
    1.2. Add 'quiet splash' to the grub command line in /etc/default/grub


    then: sudo update-gruborsudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

    1.3. Rebuild your initrd image (# mkinitcpio -p [kernel preset name]).

     E.g.: sudo mkinitcpio -p linux38
  1. To enable encryption, replace "encrypt" with "plymouth-encrypt" in
    mkinitcpio.conf and rebuild your initrd image.

  2. You will also need to rebuild your initrd image every time you change your theme
    the default is set as 'spinfinity', use plymouth-set-default-themeto show.

    To list all plymouth themes:
    plymouth-set-default-theme -l

    To change theme:
    # plymouth-set-default-theme <theme>

    To rebuild initrd image:
    # mkinitcpio -p <kernel present name>

  3. For Smooth Transition to Display Manager you have to:
    4.1. See the Wiki Page (link in 5) to prepare your Display Manager
    4.2. Disable your Display Manager Unit
    E.g. : systemctl disable kdm.service
    4.3. Enable the respective DM-plymouth Unit (GDM,KDM,Lightdm,LXDM units provided)
    E.g. : systemctl enable kdm-plymouth.service

  4. For more information please visit the Wiki page:


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      本文标题:install plymouth
