

作者: 顶级蜗牛 | 来源:发表于2022-03-25 15:54 被阅读0次



    通过字面量初始化数组背后发生的事情,通过 SIL 来观察一下数组:

    var number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


    /// Returns an Array of `_count` uninitialized elements using the
    /// given `storage`, and a pointer to uninitialized memory for the
    /// first element.
    /// This function is referenced by the compiler to allocate array literals.
    /// - Precondition: `storage` is `_ContiguousArrayStorage`.
    @inlinable // FIXME(inline-always)
    func _allocateUninitializedArray<Element>(_  builtinCount: Builtin.Word)
        -> (Array<Element>, Builtin.RawPointer) {
      // builtinCount元素个数
      let count = Int(builtinCount)
      if count > 0 {
        // 如果大于0就创建内存空间
        // Doing the actual buffer allocation outside of the array.uninitialized
        // semantics function enables stack propagation of the buffer.
        // allocWithTailElems_1最终会调用allocObject来分配堆区内存空间,来去存储数组当中的元素
        let bufferObject = Builtin.allocWithTailElems_1(
           getContiguousArrayStorageType(for: Element.self),
           builtinCount, Element.self)
        // _adoptStorage其实就是创建array
        let (array, ptr) = Array<Element>._adoptStorage(bufferObject, count: count)
        return (array, ptr._rawValue)
      // 如果小于等于0就创建空类型的数组(字面量创建数组会走这种方式)
      // For an empty array no buffer allocation is needed.
      let (array, ptr) = Array<Element>._allocateUninitialized(count)
      return (array, ptr._rawValue)



      /// Returns an Array of `count` uninitialized elements using the
      /// given `storage`, and a pointer to uninitialized memory for the
      /// first element.
      /// - Precondition: `storage is _ContiguousArrayStorage`.
      internal static func _adoptStorage(
        _ storage: __owned _ContiguousArrayStorage<Element>, count: Int
      ) -> (Array, UnsafeMutablePointer<Element>) {
        let innerBuffer = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
          count: count,
          storage: storage)
        // 返回的是一个元组,第一个元素是Array,第二个元素是firstElement首地址
        return (
            _buffer: _Buffer(_buffer: innerBuffer, shiftedToStartIndex: 0)),





      /// Initialize using the given uninitialized `storage`.
      /// The storage is assumed to be uninitialized. The returned buffer has the
      /// body part of the storage initialized, but not the elements.
      /// - Warning: The result has uninitialized elements.
      /// - Warning: storage may have been stack-allocated, so it's
      ///   crucial not to call, e.g., `malloc_size` on it.
      internal init(count: Int, storage: _ContiguousArrayStorage<Element>) {
        _storage = storage
        _initStorageHeader(count: count, capacity: count)



    // The class that implements the storage for a ContiguousArray<Element>
    internal final class _ContiguousArrayStorage<
    >: __ContiguousArrayStorageBase {
      deinit {
        _elementPointer.deinitialize(count: countAndCapacity.count)
    #if _runtime(_ObjC)
      internal final override func withUnsafeBufferOfObjects<R>(
        _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> R
      ) rethrows -> R {
        let count = countAndCapacity.count
        let elements = UnsafeRawPointer(_elementPointer)
          .assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyObject.self)
        defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
        return try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: elements, count: count))
      internal final override func countByEnumerating(
        with state: UnsafeMutablePointer<_SwiftNSFastEnumerationState>,
        objects: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>?, count: Int
      ) -> Int {
        var enumerationState = state.pointee
        if enumerationState.state != 0 {
          return 0
        return withUnsafeBufferOfObjects {
          objects in
          enumerationState.mutationsPtr = _fastEnumerationStorageMutationsPtr
          enumerationState.itemsPtr =
          enumerationState.state = 1
          state.pointee = enumerationState
          return objects.count
      @nonobjc private func _objectAt(_ index: Int) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject> {
        return withUnsafeBufferOfObjects {
          objects in
            _isValidArraySubscript(index, count: objects.count),
            "Array index out of range")
          return Unmanaged.passUnretained(objects[index])
      final override internal func objectAtSubscript(_ index: Int) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject> {
        return _objectAt(index)
      final override internal func objectAt(_ index: Int) -> Unmanaged<AnyObject> {
        return _objectAt(index)
      @objc internal override final var count: Int {
        @_effects(readonly) get {
          return withUnsafeBufferOfObjects { $0.count }
      @objc internal override final func getObjects(
        _ aBuffer: UnsafeMutablePointer<AnyObject>, range: _SwiftNSRange
      ) {
        return withUnsafeBufferOfObjects {
          objects in
            _isValidArrayIndex(range.location, count: objects.count),
            "Array index out of range")
              range.location + range.length, count: objects.count),
            "Array index out of range")
          if objects.isEmpty { return }
          // These objects are "returned" at +0, so treat them as pointer values to
          // avoid retains. Copy bytes via a raw pointer to circumvent reference
          // counting while correctly aliasing with all other pointer types.
            from: objects.baseAddress! + range.location,
            byteCount: range.length * MemoryLayout<AnyObject>.stride)
      /// If the `Element` is bridged verbatim, invoke `body` on an
      /// `UnsafeBufferPointer` to the elements and return the result.
      /// Otherwise, return `nil`.
      internal final override func _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBuffer<R>(
        _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> R
      ) rethrows -> R? {
        var result: R?
        try self._withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBufferImpl {
          result = try body($0)
        return result
      /// If `Element` is bridged verbatim, invoke `body` on an
      /// `UnsafeBufferPointer` to the elements.
      internal final func _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBufferImpl(
        _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> Void
      ) rethrows {
        if _isBridgedVerbatimToObjectiveC(Element.self) {
          let count = countAndCapacity.count
          let elements = UnsafeRawPointer(_elementPointer)
            .assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyObject.self)
          defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
          try body(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: elements, count: count))
      /// Bridge array elements and return a new buffer that owns them.
      /// - Precondition: `Element` is bridged non-verbatim.
      override internal func _getNonVerbatimBridgingBuffer() -> _BridgingBuffer {
          "Verbatim bridging should be handled separately")
        let count = countAndCapacity.count
        let result = _BridgingBuffer(count)
        let resultPtr = result.baseAddress
        let p = _elementPointer
        for i in 0..<count {
          (resultPtr + i).initialize(to: _bridgeAnythingToObjectiveC(p[i]))
        return result
      /// Returns `true` if the `proposedElementType` is `Element` or a subclass of
      /// `Element`.  We can't store anything else without violating type
      /// safety; for example, the destructor has static knowledge that
      /// all of the elements can be destroyed as `Element`.
      internal override func canStoreElements(
        ofDynamicType proposedElementType: Any.Type
      ) -> Bool {
    #if _runtime(_ObjC)
        return proposedElementType is Element.Type
        // FIXME: Dynamic casts don't currently work without objc. 
        // rdar://problem/18801510
        return false
      /// A type that every element in the array is.
      internal override var staticElementType: Any.Type {
        return Element.self
      internal final var _elementPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Element> {
        return UnsafeMutablePointer(Builtin.projectTailElems(self, Element.self))


    /// Base class of the heap buffer backing arrays.  
    /// NOTE: older runtimes called this _ContiguousArrayStorageBase. The
    /// two must coexist, so it was renamed. The old name must not be used
    /// in the new runtime.
    internal class __ContiguousArrayStorageBase
      : __SwiftNativeNSArrayWithContiguousStorage {
      final var countAndCapacity: _ArrayBody
      internal init(_doNotCallMeBase: ()) {
        _internalInvariantFailure("creating instance of __ContiguousArrayStorageBase")
    #if _runtime(_ObjC)
      internal override func withUnsafeBufferOfObjects<R>(
        _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> R
      ) rethrows -> R {
        if let result = try _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBuffer(body) {
          return result
          "Can't use a buffer of non-verbatim-bridged elements as an NSArray")
      /// If the stored type is bridged verbatim, invoke `body` on an
      /// `UnsafeBufferPointer` to the elements and return the result.
      /// Otherwise, return `nil`.
      internal func _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBuffer<R>(
        _ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<AnyObject>) throws -> R
      ) rethrows -> R? {
          "Concrete subclasses must implement _withVerbatimBridgedUnsafeBuffer")
      internal func _getNonVerbatimBridgingBuffer() -> _BridgingBuffer {
          "Concrete subclasses must implement _getNonVerbatimBridgingBuffer")
      dynamic internal func mutableCopy(with _: _SwiftNSZone?) -> AnyObject {
        let arr = Array<AnyObject>(_ContiguousArrayBuffer(self))
        return _SwiftNSMutableArray(arr)
      dynamic internal func index(ofObjectIdenticalTo object: AnyObject) -> Int {
        let arr = Array<AnyObject>(_ContiguousArrayBuffer(self))
        return arr.firstIndex { $0 === object } ?? NSNotFound
      internal func canStoreElements(ofDynamicType _: Any.Type) -> Bool {
          "Concrete subclasses must implement canStoreElements(ofDynamicType:)")
      /// A type that every element in the array is.
      internal var staticElementType: Any.Type {
          "Concrete subclasses must implement staticElementType")
      deinit {
          self !== _emptyArrayStorage, "Deallocating empty array storage?!")

    struct Array 拥有 struct _ContiguousArrayBuffer这个类型的成员;
    struct _ContiguousArrayBuffer拥有 class _ContiguousArrayStorage这个类型的成员;
    class _ContiguousArrayStorage继承自class __ContiguousArrayStorageBase这个类。








    var number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]


      /// Adds a new element at the end of the array.
      /// Use this method to append a single element to the end of a mutable array.
      ///     var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      ///     numbers.append(100)
      ///     print(numbers)
      ///     // Prints "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 100]"
      /// Because arrays increase their allocated capacity using an exponential
      /// strategy, appending a single element to an array is an O(1) operation
      /// when averaged over many calls to the `append(_:)` method. When an array
      /// has additional capacity and is not sharing its storage with another
      /// instance, appending an element is O(1). When an array needs to
      /// reallocate storage before appending or its storage is shared with
      /// another copy, appending is O(*n*), where *n* is the length of the array.
      /// - Parameter newElement: The element to append to the array.
      /// - Complexity: O(1) on average, over many calls to `append(_:)` on the
      ///   same array.
      public mutating func append(_ newElement: __owned Element) {
        // Separating uniqueness check and capacity check allows hoisting the
        // uniqueness check out of a loop.
        let oldCount = _buffer.mutableCount
        _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: oldCount)
        _appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity(oldCount, newElement: newElement)



      /// Returns `true` and puts the buffer in a mutable state if the buffer's
      /// storage is uniquely-referenced; otherwise performs no action and
      /// returns `false`.
      /// - Precondition: The buffer must be immutable.
      /// - Warning: It's a requirement to call `beginCOWMutation` before the buffer
      ///   is mutated.
      internal mutating func beginCOWMutation() -> Bool {
        let isUnique: Bool
        if !_isClassOrObjCExistential(Element.self) {
          isUnique = _storage.beginCOWMutationUnflaggedNative()
        } else if !_storage.beginCOWMutationNative() {
          return false
        } else {
          isUnique = _isNative
        if isUnique {
          _native.isImmutable = false
        return isUnique


      /// Creates a new buffer, replacing the current buffer.
      /// If `bufferIsUnique` is true, the buffer is assumed to be uniquely
      /// referenced by this array and the elements are moved - instead of copied -
      /// to the new buffer.
      /// The `minimumCapacity` is the lower bound for the new capacity.
      /// If `growForAppend` is true, the new capacity is calculated using
      /// `_growArrayCapacity`, but at least kept at `minimumCapacity`.
      internal mutating func _createNewBuffer(
        bufferIsUnique: Bool, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
      ) {
        _internalInvariant(!bufferIsUnique || _buffer.isUniquelyReferenced())
        _buffer = _buffer._consumeAndCreateNew(bufferIsUnique: bufferIsUnique,
                                               minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity,
                                               growForAppend: growForAppend)

    _buffer._consumeAndCreateNew 找到ArrayBuffer.swift的_consumeAndCreateNew函数:

      /// Creates and returns a new uniquely referenced buffer which is a copy of
      /// this buffer.
      /// This buffer is consumed, i.e. it's released.
      internal __consuming func _consumeAndCreateNew() -> _ArrayBuffer {
        return _consumeAndCreateNew(bufferIsUnique: false,
                                    minimumCapacity: count,
                                    growForAppend: false)
      /// Creates and returns a new uniquely referenced buffer which is a copy of
      /// this buffer.
      /// If `bufferIsUnique` is true, the buffer is assumed to be uniquely
      /// referenced and the elements are moved - instead of copied - to the new
      /// buffer.
      /// The `minimumCapacity` is the lower bound for the new capacity.
      /// If `growForAppend` is true, the new capacity is calculated using
      /// `_growArrayCapacity`, but at least kept at `minimumCapacity`.
      /// This buffer is consumed, i.e. it's released.
      internal __consuming func _consumeAndCreateNew(
        bufferIsUnique: Bool, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
      ) -> _ArrayBuffer {
        let newCapacity = _growArrayCapacity(oldCapacity: capacity,
                                             minimumCapacity: minimumCapacity,
                                             growForAppend: growForAppend)
        let c = count
        _internalInvariant(newCapacity >= c)
        let newBuffer = _ContiguousArrayBuffer<Element>(
          _uninitializedCount: c, minimumCapacity: newCapacity)
        if bufferIsUnique {
          // As an optimization, if the original buffer is unique, we can just move
          // the elements instead of copying.
          let dest = newBuffer.firstElementAddress
          dest.moveInitialize(from: mutableFirstElementAddress,
                              count: c)
          _native.mutableCount = 0
        } else {
            subRange: 0..<c,
            initializing: newBuffer.mutableFirstElementAddress)
        return _ArrayBuffer(_buffer: newBuffer, shiftedToStartIndex: 0)


    internal func _growArrayCapacity(_ capacity: Int) -> Int {
      return capacity * 2


    internal func _growArrayCapacity(
      oldCapacity: Int, minimumCapacity: Int, growForAppend: Bool
    ) -> Int {
      if growForAppend {
        if oldCapacity < minimumCapacity {
          // When appending to an array, grow exponentially.
          return Swift.max(minimumCapacity, _growArrayCapacity(oldCapacity))
        return oldCapacity
      // If not for append, just use the specified capacity, ignoring oldCapacity.
      // This means that we "shrink" the buffer in case minimumCapacity is less
      // than oldCapacity.
      return minimumCapacity

    如果是count > capacity 则需要扩容,每次扩容都是以当前的 capacity * 2的方式。

    _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer 如果数组是空的,_makeMutableAndUnique不会将空的数组缓冲区替换为唯一的缓冲区(它只是将其替换为空的数组singleton)。这个特定的情况是可以的,因为我们将使缓冲区在这个函数中是唯一的,因为我们请求的容量是> 0,因此_copyToNewBuffer将被调用来创建一个新的缓冲区。

      internal mutating func _reserveCapacityAssumingUniqueBuffer(oldCount: Int) {
        // Due to make_mutable hoisting the situation can arise where we hoist
        // _makeMutableAndUnique out of loop and use it to replace
        // _makeUniqueAndReserveCapacityIfNotUnique that precedes this call. If the
        // array was empty _makeMutableAndUnique does not replace the empty array
        // buffer by a unique buffer (it just replaces it by the empty array
        // singleton).
        // This specific case is okay because we will make the buffer unique in this
        // function because we request a capacity > 0 and therefore _copyToNewBuffer
        // will be called creating a new buffer.
        let capacity = _buffer.mutableCapacity
        _internalInvariant(capacity == 0 || _buffer.isMutableAndUniquelyReferenced())
        if _slowPath(oldCount &+ 1 > capacity) {
          _createNewBuffer(bufferIsUnique: capacity > 0,
                           minimumCapacity: oldCount &+ 1,
                           growForAppend: true)

    _appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity 附加元素假定唯一和容量

      internal mutating func _appendElementAssumeUniqueAndCapacity(
        _ oldCount: Int,
        newElement: __owned Element
      ) {
        _internalInvariant(_buffer.mutableCapacity >= _buffer.mutableCount &+ 1)
        _buffer.mutableCount = oldCount &+ 1
        (_buffer.mutableFirstElementAddress + oldCount).initialize(to: newElement)



