今早和同事偶尔聊起小孩的兴趣班。聊到某些兴趣班报了一段时间以后,小孩不想学了。this morning My colleague and i talked about our children and the so-called "intreast class". usually, our children will get bored with these classes after taking them for some time.what shouldparents do when this happens?My nephew Jiaming once practiced 跆拳道. he quit it as the novelty and curiosity to it gradually dieddown. But recently i heard that he resumed the practice.这个时候家长该怎么办。佳铭我知道是中间停了一段时间,但是后来又继续了。这样的情况很多,很多后面又出现和前面一样的问题,练着练着又不想练了,变放弃。等到哪天动心了,接着再来。周而复始,逃脱不了这种走走停停的螺旋。most kids who go to these classes face this problem. so does my colleague's kid. But she dealt with it differently.she told me that her son was allowed to have any negative felling about the class but absence was not allowed. when he didn't want to have the class, he has the right not to attend the class, but he had to go to the place where the class was on.he had to be there, even as an onlooker.其实我是不喜欢这样的。一来费钱,二来这样继续小孩基本上是学不到什么的。同事告诉我他的小孩也出现过这样的情况。她是这样做的。不想做,害怕做都行,但是不去不行。实在不愿意了,就站在橱窗外看一节课,反正不落下。我觉得这个办法挺好。其实任何时候任何事情的处理都少不了中间的各种问题,如何各方妥协,最终做成事情,这才是重要的。这其中如果任何一方占了上风,那事情就肯定办不好。像刚才说的小孩子的兴趣班,按照小孩的意愿来,那肯定是三天打鱼两天晒网,没有成效事小,更可能是不了了之。如果一味按照大人的意思来,不顾及小孩的个性和情绪,要么会打压孩子,直接对孩子人格的发展产生负面影响;要么是激发孩子的逆反心理,直接毁掉孩子与父母之间的亲情、信任与理解。蛮力使不得,要用巧劲,四两拨千斤在这里就是大智慧了。做父母难,因为若问题出现,那就意味着自己在做人做事上有欠缺了。批评改造孩子之前,先要想想自己有哪些局限不足,自己要怎么改进。个人的修行永远是最重要的。