More Jia Zhangke, More Hopes

More Jia Zhangke, More Hopes

作者: 方便面的题外话 | 来源:发表于2014-03-31 18:41 被阅读36次

There are not so many Chinese directors who pay real attention to the people. But Jia Zhangke does. He uses an artistic way to catch audience’s eyes and asks the society to ponder over social problems that are shaping China gradually. From his first short movie “Xiaoshan Goes Home”, which was produced when he was still studying in Beijing Film Academy, he has already developed a focus in normal people, choosing a migrant worker as the leading role.

When his career booms, he could be richer and much more successful, but he refused. He never bows to box-office records or censorship like others, lead to the result that only a few of his films were released in China. He never gives up his cinema aesthetics and consistent efforts in society exposure, from the consequence of The Three Gorges project, to the current hot topics in his latest masterpiece A Touch of Sin.

Jia Zhangke is also a doer. He is an ordinary person out of no special background from a rural village. People always say it is too difficult to chase the cinema dream. But they even never start. Oppositely, Jia Zhangke will take actions as soon as ideas pops up. No crew? I have friends. No money? I try to earn. No large money? I convince the rich with my work samples. Nailed. Only by practicing can we progress, that is the lesson Jia Zhangke taught me.


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