static unsigned int indexForPointer(const void *p) { // 该方法以void *作为key 来获取void *对应在StripedMap 中的位置
uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p);
return ((addr >> 4) ^ (addr >> 9)) % StripeCount; // % StripeCount 防止index越界
PaddedT array[StripeCount]; // 所有PaddedT struct 类型数据被存储在array数组中。iOS 设备 StripeCount == 64
// 取值方法 [p],
T& operator[] (const void *p) {
return array[indexForPointer(p)].value;
const T& operator[] (const void *p) const {
return const_cast<StripedMap<T>>(this)[p];
static weak_entry_t *
weak_entry_for_referent(weak_table_t *weak_table, objc_object *referent)
weak_entry_t *weak_entries = weak_table->weak_entries;
if (!weak_entries) return nil;
size_t begin = hash_pointer(referent) & weak_table->mask; // 这里通过 & weak_table->mask的位操作,来确保index不会越界
size_t index = begin;
size_t hash_displacement = 0;
while (weak_table->weak_entries[index].referent != referent) {
index = (index+1) & weak_table->mask;
if (index == begin) bad_weak_table(weak_table->weak_entries); // 触发bad weak table crash,weak_entries里面一定是有空位的,因为会动态扩容
if (hash_displacement > weak_table->max_hash_displacement) { // 当hash冲突超过了可能的max hash 冲突时,说明元素没有在hash表中,返回nil
return nil;
return &weak_table->weak_entries[index];
weak_entry_t数据结构里面的 weak_entries hash 数组中查找对象的弱引用指针的指针
size_t begin = w_hash_pointer(new_referrer) & (entry->mask); // '& (entry->mask)' 确保了 begin的位置只能小于或等于 数组的长度
size_t index = begin; // 初始的hash index
size_t hash_displacement = 0; // 用于记录hash冲突的次数,也就是hash再位移的次数
while (entry->referrers[index] != nil) {
index = (index+1) & entry->mask; // index + 1, 移到下一个位置,再试一次能否插入。(这里要考虑到entry->mask取值,一定是:0x111, 0x1111, 0x11111, ... ,因为数组每次都是*2增长,即8, 16, 32,对应动态数组空间长度-1的mask,也就是前面的取值。)
if (index == begin) bad_weak_table(entry); // index == begin 意味着数组绕了一圈都没有找到合适位置,这时候一定是出了什么问题。
static StripedMap<SideTable>& SideTables() {
return *reinterpret_cast<StripedMap<SideTable>*>(SideTableBuf);
struct SideTable {
spinlock_t slock; // 自旋锁,防止多线程访问冲突
RefcountMap refcnts; // 对象引用计数map
weak_table_t weak_table; // 对象弱引用map
SideTable() {
memset(&weak_table, 0, sizeof(weak_table));
~SideTable() {
_objc_fatal("Do not delete SideTable.");
// 锁操作 符合StripedMap对T的定义
void lock() { slock.lock(); }
void unlock() { slock.unlock(); }
void forceReset() { slock.forceReset(); }
// Address-ordered lock discipline for a pair of side tables.
template<HaveOld, HaveNew>
static void lockTwo(SideTable *lock1, SideTable *lock2);
template<HaveOld, HaveNew>
static void unlockTwo(SideTable *lock1, SideTable *lock2);
* The global weak references table. Stores object ids as keys,
* and weak_entry_t structs as their values.
struct weak_table_t {
weak_entry_t *weak_entries; // hash数组,用来存储弱引用对象的相关信息weak_entry_t
size_t num_entries; // hash数组中的元素个数
uintptr_t mask; // hash数组长度-1,会参与hash计算。(注意,这里是hash数组的长度,而不是元素个数。比如,数组长度可能是64,而元素个数仅存了2个)
uintptr_t max_hash_displacement; // 可能会发生的hash冲突的最大次数,用于判断是否出现了逻辑错误(hash表中的冲突次数绝不会超过改值)
* The internal structure stored in the weak references table.
* It maintains and stores
* a hash set of weak references pointing to an object.
* If out_of_line_ness != REFERRERS_OUT_OF_LINE then the set
* is instead a small inline array.
// out_of_line_ness field overlaps with the low two bits of inline_referrers[1].
// inline_referrers[1] is a DisguisedPtr of a pointer-aligned address.
// The low two bits of a pointer-aligned DisguisedPtr will always be 0b00
// (disguised nil or 0x80..00) or 0b11 (any other address).
// Therefore out_of_line_ness == 0b10 is used to mark the out-of-line state.
struct weak_entry_t {
DisguisedPtr<objc_object> referent; // 被弱引用的对象的指针
// 引用该对象的对象列表,联合。 引用个数小于4,用inline_referrers数组。 用个数大于4,用动态数`weak_referrer_t *referrers
union {
struct {
weak_referrer_t *referrers; // 弱引用该对象的对象指针地址的hash数组
uintptr_t out_of_line_ness : 2; // 是否使用动态hash数组标记位
uintptr_t num_refs : PTR_MINUS_2; // hash数组中的元素个数
uintptr_t mask; // hash数组长度-1,会参与hash计算。(注意,这里是hash数组的长度,而不是元素个数。比如,数组长度可能是64,而元素个数仅存了2个)素个数)。
uintptr_t max_hash_displacement; // 可能会发生的hash冲突的最大次数,用于判断是否出现了逻辑错误(hash表中的冲突次数绝不会超过改值)
struct {
// out_of_line_ness field is low bits of inline_referrers[1]
weak_referrer_t inline_referrers[WEAK_INLINE_COUNT];
bool out_of_line() {
return (out_of_line_ness == REFERRERS_OUT_OF_LINE);
weak_entry_t& operator=(const weak_entry_t& other) {
memcpy(this, &other, sizeof(other));
return *this;
weak_entry_t(objc_object *newReferent, objc_object **newReferrer)
: referent(newReferent) // 构造方法,里面初始化了静态数组
inline_referrers[0] = newReferrer;
for (int i = 1; i < WEAK_INLINE_COUNT; i++) {
inline_referrers[i] = nil;