L69/70-Mean what you say 说话算话

L69/70-Mean what you say 说话算话

作者: Simin的快乐法杖 | 来源:发表于2020-12-09 10:33 被阅读0次


    1.  某人说话算话/心口如一  sb mean what sb say

    A trustworthy people always mean what he say.

    2.    许下/遵守/打破诺言  make / keep / break one's promise

    3.    竞争激烈的  cutthroat

    4.    破坏  ruin

    5.    没有人会再相信你了 no one will trust you anymore / any longer.

    6.  word 诺言

    我向你保证。  I give you my word.

    信守诺言  keep one's word/promise

    7.    让某人失望    let sb down  / disappoint sb

    8.    遵守,符合……  live up to

    Just remember never to promise anything we can live up to.

    9.    简而言之  in short

    10. 值得信赖的/可靠的  trustworthy

    11.君子一言,驷马难追  A promise is a promise

    12.和某人约会见面  make a date with sb.

    Can I make a date with you to take in a movie tomorrow?

    和某人约会  go on a date with sb.

    Do you believe that I once went on a date with that actress?

    13. 使(某人)空等,不受约  stand sb. up

    14. 差劲的 lousy

    【语法 | 句子 | 仿写】


    It seems that = 主语 seem to do / have done

    当do为be时,seem to be +a/n  =  seem + a/n

    It seems that Tom is a good husband.

    Tom seems to be a good husband.

    Tom seems a good husband.

    》never / not + to do (否定副词在不定式前面)


    Just remember never to promise anything we are not sure we can live up to.

    》没有比……更糟的事了  There is nothings worse than ……

    There is nothings worse than to be in love with such a guy.

    【Simin 的转述】

    Some people say that promises are to be broken. Aha. Although the kind of phenomenon is not strange in the cutthroat society, it goes against the traditional moral values. More importantly, if you always break out your promises, you will ruin your reputation and no one will trust you any longer. There is nothing worse than no one believe your words in the world.

    In fact, it isn't so difficult to keep your promises.  Just remember never to say "I give you my words" to anyone when you cannot live up to the word, which is very important. In this case, you can say what you mean and mean what you say.


    5. 自助餐桌  buffet table

    6. 小睡,打盹    take a nap

    6.  银行柜员  bank teller

    7.  如以前一样  as usually

    8.  和……一样……

    我们和你们国家工作的时间不一样。  We don't work (at) the same hours as you do in your country.

    10.吓死我了  You scared the life out of me!



          本文标题:L69/70-Mean what you say 说话算话
