作者: 紫色梦Celia | 来源:发表于2019-12-07 15:52 被阅读0次

Many teachers ask me why do l study English,and others also ask me the same question, sometimes,even I ask myself yet.

But the answer is still that there is no reason. If I have to give a reason, it is just because I like it.


Yes, I admit that in more and more material desire era, even learning is purposeful.

I spend most of my spare time on this useless thing, and I hope I just like it and stick with it.

No purpose, but I am happy when I learning it.

Thank you for the book from South Africa,Thank you for the delivery.

When I finish reading this book, my vocabulary accumulation will take a new step.

Although, it will take a long time.



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      本文标题:NO REASON
