

作者: 自观问渠 | 来源:发表于2018-12-03 19:29 被阅读7次






    今天的日期today’s date:1 December 2018(British) or December 1, 2018 (American)

    称呼salutation: 如Dear Sir or Madam,

    正文the body

    结束语a comlimentary close: 如Yours truly,






    1. January 6 was a red-letter day with me; for it was on that day that I received your letter.


    2. I’m writing chiefly to ask you to recommend some books of the Modern English Usage or the King’s English kind.

    I’m writing chiefly to ask you to recommend some movies of the Get Out kind.我写信,主要是请你推荐《逃出绝命镇》这类的影片。


    1. As most readers of this Weekly must know very well, I am a great admirer of Mr H. W. Fowler.

    As most Britons must know very well, he is a great admirer of the EU. 众所周知,他力挺欧盟。

    2. Besides being a grammarian, a lexicographer, and classical scholar, H. W. Fowler was a first-rate swimmer, skater, and climber, a marvellous first-line forward at football, a good shot, a humorist, and a devoted lover.

    Besides being a first-rate French teacher, Claire is a loving mother and a gourmet. Claire是一流的法语老师,也是慈爱的母亲,是美食家。注意,Besides引领的从句既然在句首,各项荣誉的重要性是递减的,即从句中的头衔最重要,主句中的身份次之。

    3. I cannot tell you how I prize an encouraging autograph letter from a man of your authority and reputation.

    I can’t tell you how I prize an encouraging letter from a woman of your beauty and wisdom. 收到集美貌和智慧于一身的你的来信,我珍惜万千。

    4.  I am proud of having made your acquaintance and deeply appreciate your kind letters. 结交您是我的荣幸,感谢您体贴的来信。


    1. I wish I could have enough time every day to write books on and in English for Chinese students of the language.

    I wish I could have enough time every week to read an article in The Economist.我希望有足够时间一周读《经济学人》的一篇文章。

    2. May your new book be received with as much warmth as the air is charged with these days.

    May your new movie be well received. 祝愿您的电影大卖


    1. Need I apologize for the trouble I am giving you? 对不起,给您添麻烦了


    1. I cannot thank you enough for the patience and frankness with which you answered my letter to your late brother. 

    I can't thank you enough for the kindness with which you answered my letter. 感谢您回信 

    2. Many thanks for sending a copy of Dr Coulton's memoir of your brother, which I have read with a great deal of gusto. / Many thanks for enlightening me on three points in my Diary

    Many thanks for sending a small gift. 感谢您寄来的小礼物

    3. Thanking you again for the books, I am 

                                              Yours sincerely,

    Thanking you again for the stamps. 再次感谢您寄来精美邮票

    4. I am very glad to hear of your desire to see me after you get back to Shanghai and fully appreciate the patience with which you answered my criticisms of points in your composition book.

    I am very glad to hear from you and fully appreciate the consideration with which you planned my trip. 收到您的来信我很高兴,我衷心感谢您细心安排我的旅程。


    1. I should also like to know if you think you could ever come over to China. 

    I should like to know if you think you could visit Beijing. 我想知道您是否会来京。

    2. Would you mind answering me two questions that have been puzzling me for a long time? 

    Would you mind offering me a piece of advice? 可否给我一条建议?

    3. Here are another two questions that I hope you will kindly answer:

    Here are two problems that I hope you will kindly handle: 以下两个问题望您帮忙处理

    4. ...I should feel very much obliged if you would let me have one or two "favourable" remarks...

    I should feel very much obliged if you would let me have your authograph photo. 如您赠我一张签名照,我不胜荣幸。

    5. I am expecting a letter from you every minute, I mean a letter in reply to mine of the other day.

    I am expecting a letter from you every minute. 我每分每秒都在期待你的回信。

    6. I should be glad to hear from you. 期待您的回信

    7.  Before closing, I have to ask you a question that has been in my mind for a long time. 停笔前,我要问您一个问题,这个问题困扰我许久了。


    1. My wife joins me in congratulating you and your wife on your son's engagement. 我们夫妇同贺贵夫妇佳儿订婚。

    My husband joins me in congratulating you on your graduation. 我们夫妇祝贺您毕业。

    2. Allow me to congratulate you on writing the book, which I consider the best book of its kind for Chinese students.

    Allow me to congratulate you on winning the award, which I consider the best award of its kind for filmmakers. 请允许我祝贺您获奖,我认为这个奖是颁给电影人的最佳奖项。


    1. Yours very truly,

    2. Yours very sincerely,

    3. With best regards to you and to Col. Le Mesurier, I am  

                                                                    Yours sincerely,

    4. With warm regards, I am

                                                                    Yours sincerely,

    5. Yours ever,

    6. Ever yours,

    签名:Hertz C. K. Kê =英文名+ 中文名缩写+ 中文姓,如此,我的英文名全称Sarah Y. Wang(终于把英文名Sarah用上了)

    PS或P.S. 两种形式:有.和无.,P.与S.之间无空格

    Tips for using the P.S. (postscript): Place the P.S. at the bottom of your cover letter flush left. Type it in bold text or italics. Do not use both. 附在信末,在签名下方,左打头,粗体或斜体任选一种

    例如:P.S. Remember that people cannot resist reading a postscript (P.S.). So add one to your next cover letter and let this powerful little secret work its magic for you! 大家都喜欢读PS,PS有魔力!



