So long, Mr Chips 第一次晨读小结

So long, Mr Chips 第一次晨读小结

作者: Sallyspeaking | 来源:发表于2018-11-24 21:47 被阅读86次


    我个人很喜欢Goodbye Mr Chips这本书,篇幅很短,简单易读,字里行间 流露着朴实的情感和淡淡的忧伤。最感动我的地方便是Mr Chips看似度过了平凡的一生,实则是无比的荣光和令人钦佩。He seems to have led a rather simple and unambitious life, yet he has shed light on many people's lives and brought inspiration and laughter to many more. Who is it for us to call his life simple and unachieved? 读到18章最后的时候,想到Mr Chips 用诙谐幽默、忠诚乐观度过自己的一生,也竟然跟着他一起大笑起来,泪流满面。Chips laughed quietly and steadily to himself. It was a good joke. "Well—umph—I'm certainly—umph—no chicken." He laughed quietly to himself for a long time.

    如此结尾让我想到之前的一段话:And as Chips sat by his fire with autumn gales rattling the windows, the waves of humor and sadness swept over him very often until tears fell, so that when Mrs. Wickett came in with his cup of tea she did not know whether he had been laughing or crying. And neither did Chips himself. 多么朴实真切地表达啊。那些我想要表达,却又受制于自己匮乏的语言,竟然在文中找到了最恰当的描述,特别喜欢waves, sweep over这两个地方,现在就造句用起来:I sat by the window with winter gales rattling it, the waves of sheer sweetness and sadness (sweetness and sadness两个词押头韵) swept over me immediately until tears fell.

    通过用Kindle晨读,我还发现一个特别好用的功能,那就是导出阅读过程中强调highlight的词句(go to - notes - export notes). 这也让我导出了70多句希望进一步学习(朗读、仿写、内化)的句子,鉴于篇幅和时间有限,就不在此一一列出。其实,我发现很多句子都在小伙伴的每日笔记中,每个人情况不同,各自按照各自的进度和习惯学习总结就好。



    1. 早起晨读。早起对于我来说仿佛是多年困扰我的魔咒,坚持养成自己晨读习惯的梦想遥不可及。神奇的是,我居然几乎每天都能6点30起床,除了周四因为没听到闹钟错过了,其它时间都表现不错。而且晨读之后,还会继续读经济学人30-45分钟,能够学着充分利用早晨宝贵的时光,感到无比兴奋。感谢现象级社群的帮助,从今以后我一定要将晨读进行下去。
    2. 如何精读。学英语这么多年,突然发现自从大学的精读课之后,就再也没有认真的精读过,这好像也解释了为什么这几年英文没什么大的长进。很多词都只是眼熟,认识,但好像又说不上来准确的意思,更别提应用了。前阵子在网上看到一句话:Vague is bad. Vague is a waste of your time. 感觉就是再说我,教书育人的英语老师,实在令人尴尬。好啦,以后要坚持精读一些高质量的文章,发音、词义是最基本的元素,还要了解词汇的色彩,搭配,用法,句型句式的特点(是否倒装,效果如何),句与句之间的逻辑关系,如何承上启下,尝试造句表达等。只有做到这些,才算得上精读,才能慢慢学会赏析,并真正提升英文水平。


    1. 态度还不够端正,经常边刷牙洗脸边听晨读,很多讲解听了就忘了,总觉得自己底子不错,不需要那么认真,其实这种态度是不对的。很多群里的小伙伴都读得非常好,而且还比我认真100倍。以后再参加晨读要更认真一些,让每一分钟都值得。
    2. 精读的程度不够。中英文各读了一遍,英文有些地方读了两遍,Kindle标注了大量好词好句,但仍停留在初级阶段,没能做到真正的精读。这一点可能也是受到小说语言风格和量比较大的影响。希望之后能够不求量,求质,学一个会一个,slow is fast, less is more.
    3. 不会利用碎片时间。我做事有一个特点,特别不好,什么事儿都要等到有成块儿的时间再做,而且只能专注做一件事情,还做得特别慢。通过结果不会太差,但这种思维和习惯牵制了我做很多事儿,而且常常会觉得很沮丧。


    1. 坚持早起晨读。希望能够提早到6点,利用6-7.30或6.30-8.00这段黄金时间,大声朗读。发音向来是我的优势,目标就是更流利更地道的英式英语。素材重点为经济学人里的文章,可以提前熟悉生词,扫清障碍,外加音频辅助。每周至少精读一篇文章。

    2. 精读好文,学会赏析。按照精读的标准每周学习一篇经济学人文章,篇幅长的话可以只重点关注首尾段和每段主题句。用简书试着写文章赏析。我知道自己的级别还不够,但希望经过努力,以后也能有资格参加更高级别的课程。



    1. "You are a young man, Mr. Chipping, and Brookfield is an old foundation. Youth and age often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield, and Brookfield will give you something in return.
      Take-away: a young man vs. an old foundation. 对比的写法值得学习,后半句让我想起前阵子我的partner开的一句玩笑,逗乐了很多人,他说自己是 a museum relic.

    造句:Give your heart to me, and I will give you my life in return.

    1. Across the road behind a rampart of ancient elms lay Brookfield, russet under its autumn mantle of creeper.
      rampart n. 壁垒;防御土墙;垒
      elms n. 榆树;榆木
      russet adj. 黄褐色的,赤褐色的
      mantle n. 覆盖物;[地]地幔;斗篷
      creeper n. 爬行者;匍匐植物;定速运送器
      Take-away: 造句:Across the street behind a rampart of gingkos lay Mr Smith's house. 学会用倒装。

    2. Which was oddly incorrect; because Chips was not a bachelor at all. He had married, though it was so long ago that none of the staff at Brookfield could remember his wife.

    3. For his marriage was a triumphant success. Katherine conquered Brookfield as she had conquered Chips; she was immensely popular with boys and masters alike. Even the wives of the masters, tempted at first to be jealous of one so young and lovely, could not long resist her charms.
      Take-away: triumphant success 可以学着用,比如The conference last week was a triumphant success. immensely popular 也很好用,immensely可以代替very, 实际上比very 更强烈。resist her charms: He was such a gentleman that I could hardly resist his charms.

    4. But she had not always pleaded for leniency. On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was inclined to be forgiving. "I don't like his type, Chips. He's too cocksure of himself. If he's looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it."
      Take-away: plead for leniency vs. urge severity, 又是一组对比表达,leniency就是我的消极词汇,模糊认识,但从不会用,以后可以用来代替kindness.
      be cocksure of 含有贬义,有arrogant 之意。
      直接背诵:If he's looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it.

    5. Where had they all gone to, he often pondered; those threads he had once held together, how far had they scattered, some to break, others to weave into unknown patterns?
      Take-away: 特别美的一句话,threads, hold together, scatter, break, weave into unknown patterns. 造句吧:The threads that were once held together have long scattered or broken with some being weaven into unknown patterns.

    6. but instead of widening them to form a genuine inclusive democracy of duke and dustman, Ralston was narrowing them upon the single issue of a fat banking account.
      Take-away: widen vs. narrow; duke and dustman; a fact banking account.

    7. Staefel was thirty years his junior, but the two men got on excellently.
      Take-away: 造句吧,My partner is a few decades my senior, but we two got on excellently as if age didn't matter at all.

    8. From that last honor, within his reach at last, he shrank instinctively, feeling himself in so many ways unequal to it. He said to Rivers: "You see, I'm not a young man and I don't want people to—um —expect a lot from me. I'm like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere—just a war-time fluke. A ranker—that's all I am really."
      Take-away: shrink instinctively 本能地退缩了一下; feel unequal to, 不够格的;注意colonel的发音 n. 陆军上校,fluke n. 侥幸;锚爪;意外的挫折, ranker n. 〈英〉现役士兵,出身行伍的军官

    9. He seemed so peaceful that they did not disturb him to say good-night; but in the morning, as the School bell sounded for breakfast, Brookfield had the news. "Brookfield will never forget his lovableness," said Cartwright, in a speech to the School. Which was absurd, because all things are forgotten in the end. But Linford, at any rate, will remember and tell the tale: "I said good-bye to Chips the night before he died..."
      lovableness 可爱的名词
      All things are forgotten in the end.
      At any rate 无论如何,至少

    Goodbye, Mr Chips

    附:英国的公立学校叫state school; 私立学校叫independent school, 公学public school 基本上都是极其昂贵的私立学校。这种学校门槛极高,顶级公学的学生家长除了能支付起学费之外,还必须是贵族、社会名流。
    如Eton College, Harrow School等顶级public school.



      • Sherry现象级英语:真好!通过这几期晨读,我早起已经完全无压力了,周末都习惯早起,感觉每天偷来了很多时间供自己学习,或者和自己相处。可能唯一的坏处就是告别了夜生活😂

      本文标题:So long, Mr Chips 第一次晨读小结
